
Why we shouldn't be embarrassed by the media's coverage of Obama today.?

by Guest66893  |  earlier

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Having fallen for all of Bush's b.s. over the last 7 1/2 years what else would you expect from todays media? I for one imagine that if the same (sic) journalists were in the Garden of Eden they would have shown the same amount of coverage for the snake as they have for Obama today and as little for McCain!




  1. ouch!

    but you're absolutely right. Obama has gotten so much attention, that a lot of people don't even know what he stands for.

    I asked my friend a while ago why she liked Obama over McCain, and she said, "because he's not old, fat and white." fortunately, she is not yet old enouth to vote...

    I also agree with what Mitch said about how the media controlls the election. It is very sad.

  2. amen to that one

    u hit the head of the nail w/ that one

    but still 2 wrongs dont make a right, right?

  3. These candidates are in the pocket of corporate donors.

    Vote independent or for the party of your choice. Whether you are conservative or liberal, don't vote for the duopoly, it only encourages them (corporate interests).

  4. Regardless, the Media needs to remain unbiased.  This IS embarrassing.

    It is extremely ignorant to assume John McCain is an extension of Bush, if you look at the issues, he is VERY different.  

    He advocated the surge, that won us victory in Iraq (Bush was originally against this), he is a Green Candidate is is an advocate against Global Warming, the list goes on.

    I am a Democrat, but more importantly, I teach Journalism.  Journalist cannot allow their bias to get into something as important as an information provider.  The media decides the election.

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