
Why we strike two lines at the corner of (bank)check's?

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i seen lot of checks has two lines at their corner.why? and What the reson could any one clear my query.




  1. It is called crossing of a check. When a check is crossed, the check can only be depostied into the account of  person's name  mentioned in the check.

    Thus, crossing is a mode of assuring that only the rightful holder gets payment. Even if some wrongful person secures payment it can be traced, because he can receive payment only through an account with a bank.

  2. To cross the cheques so that they are not to be payable across the counter.

  3. by drawing those 2 lines, the amount can only be transfered to the person whose name is writen over there. it goes directly into his bank accnt so no other can use it.

  4. it means payee only not endorseable. All checks are negotiable instruments transferable by endorsement. The endorseable feature is canceled for security reasons by drawing two parallel lines  

  5. Crossing affects the mode of payment of the cheque. The cheque is no more payable to the payee or holder at the counter of the bank. The payment of a crossed cheque can be obtained only through a banker.

    Thus, crossing is a mode of assuring that only the rightful holder gets payment. Even if some wrongful person secures payment it can be traced, because he can receive payment only through an account with a bank.

    You should cross your cheque if:

    (i) you do not want your cheque to be encashed.

    (ii) you want your cheque to be non-transferable. Add the words “Account Payee Only ” (or “A/C Payee Only”) preferably between the two parallel lines.

  6. Most of the time the lines are there because they are double checking the info on the check and put the lines there to show that they have done it. This is especially important if the check comes up with any discrepancies, they can prove that they double checked it by the lines.

  7. if you are talking about the line where write the amount (usually in the square box

    lets say someones gives you a check for $100.00

    usually they would be a line before thee $100 in the number box

    like $-100)

    and on the write line

    write -one hundred and no/100-

    this is prevent someone from increase the amount of the check

    others someone could raise the check to read 1100

    and white in one thousand one hundred dollars

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