
Why we (the religious) people a little bit careless about the affairs with human beings, (rights of persons)

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why we donot make us good in every chapter of religion.




  1. well, i didn't realise this until u said it. i suppose it is true to some extend because i do care about human rights but not religion.

    I suppose when u believe in religion, human suffering is parts of god's will.  

  2. It's a good thing your piety is not measured by your command of language.   Pray that your English can be improved.  It may take a miracle.

  3. The only way to correct our ignorances and maltreatment of people is through having taqwa and a total devotion to Allah in all aspects of our lives.

  4. Well I guess that we don't look at them as a part of deen, We think deen is only like outsider said sitting on a mat & parying. Why don't we understand that Islam is a complete code of life & what ever we do if do it 4 Allah then it is an Ebadah.

  5. Cause people are self centered ?

  6. I guess we have to think about ourselves again and take things gradually to perfect our performance of religious duties.

  7. I agree with Dhul Qarnayn

  8. There are some very religious people but are not really good from their hearts, they backbite, talk bad etc etc and there are some really good respectable people but aren't religious at all..

  9. well Shari'a laws guaranteed the human rights, and the inability to carry out applying it leads to make people careless, this is not only applied on the individuals, but also on a bigger scale, being under an external pressures.

  10. Thats right but its not always like that, as I do care for rightsof my parents(not much), my brother and sisters, my family, me neighbours and other people that socialise wih in every-day's life.

    But I do realise that we(my family) don't really realise that we are not paying the rights of our reltaives, that has a very important value in our religion. We should always give rights to every one around us, but we don't really do that with relatives!

    Thats sad but very hard to accept that we are doing sin over beng in no contact withour relatives!

  11. Im not.

  12. good question !!!

    I think religious persons satisfy their selves by following certain act of worship like,Salah ,sawm ,Keeping beard,and doing Hijab in case of females,

    and neglect the v important Aspect of Ibadah which is Rights of others.

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