
Why were Obama's daughters part of the DNC yesterday?

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Didn't he say a couple months ago that he didn't want his kids being in front of the media because of the way things went at his daughter's 10th birthday? Why is he now ok with them being in front of all the cameras? Does he suddenly not care about their privacy and getting a semi-normal childhood, and just wants cute kids that will help get him votes?




  1. I think the Obamas are great role models for they seem to have raised very well-mannered and endearing children.  I think they could be a first family of whom we can all be proud.

  2. Oh boy, you are really reaching.  He does not want them interviewed by the media.  They weren't.

  3. What's wrong with you, people? Seriously. Whatever Obama does, you find something to complain about. Unbelievable.

  4. On stage for five minutes... oh yeah... call child protective services!

    They always do this... I swear to god, the Republicans on this board today act like this is the first time its been done... they always have their kids come out of stage.

    The democrats didn't reinvent the wheel here people... anyone who has ever seen a convention before knows that this is standard fare!

    Get a grip... you can't make an issue out of everything.

  5. It was very appropriate to have them there.

  6. I admire how you are able to focus on the real issues and then hammer away at them with a barrage of hard-hitting queries like this one. You are swaying the masses!

  7. That was probably 10 poll points ago.

    It's all scripted claptrap anyway.  If anyone goes "awww, how cute, I'm voting for Obama!" we have much bigger problems than we think.

  8. Maybe because he's proud of them. Maybe because he and his wife have a good marriage, unlike McCain who was sleeping with his current wife BEFORE he divorced his first wife - the one who waited for him five years and then he dumped her because she'd had a car wreck.

  9. I guess they want to present themselves as the typical middle class American family.  What they fail to realize is that they raised those darling girls in a church that spewed hatred and racism, which is not indicative of the typical middle class American family.  I think it would be OK to have the girls there on the night he receives the nomination, but other than that, they don't need to be exposed just for the 'cute' factor.  

  10. Because he found that parading his daughters at the convention was politically expediant.  The man is a total hypocrite and will do anything to get elected.  He is losing today in the polls and I hope he self implodes...and loses very badly this November.  The man is an empty suit with more moral compass and he is also a baby killler...Wow, what a resume he has..the guy is a real snake.

  11. Oh please don't be so concerned for their welfare.  It's obvious that you care so much for them.  But I'm sure that the five minutes or so that the girls were on stage weren't traumatic at all.  In fact they were smiling broadly and had their mother there to protect them from the media hordes.  Besides, Obama was mostly concerned about people trying to get in the kids faces and interview them :)

  12. I'm glad conservatives are hanging on Obama's every last move ;D

  13. I could care less what Obama's daughters are up to.

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