
Why were Republicans at the RNC wearing sexist buttons?

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I saw buttons that said that Sarah Palin is "The hottest VP from the coolest state". Do they think it's okay when they're calling a woman 'hot' just becuase it's a positive thing? I also find the questions on here,from both the left and right,talking about Palin's appearances to be quite sexist.

Why do we always talk about a female politician's appearances regardless of whether or not they're attractive?




  1. I watched the whole thing, and I didn't see any buttons like that Mrs. Huffington.

  2. wow...

    you girls are so ridicoulus, if there was a button saying obama was hot, nobody would say its sexist but of course anyhting with a women involved is sexist

  3. Do you really think Sarah Palin or her family was offeneded?

    this is cute..she is if it was about Hilary that would be silly

    but God gave Sarah her talents and she is what the buttons says..she is hot..and Alaska is ?

  4. I hear ya...but they did do that with Bill Clinton..although I don't see the appeal.  Yes I agree the quesitons about her being able to be a monther and VP is horrible.  We should be past this.

  5. Oh god, if there was an attractive male president, the girls would rant about him as well.

    They are probably trying to appeal to a younger audience that focuses on appearance more.

  6. Jack &  Jackie Kennedy were a hot couple. I don't think we called them that exactly.

    It is just human nature to discuss how a woman looks.  

  7. would kennedy have been elected if he hadn't been dreamy

  8. Some people here mention Sarah's looks not against her, but against the dirty old men who support her for her looks. She has a track record of a vengeful and financially wasteful politician who shouldn't be running as a fiscal conservative, but dirty old Repubs can't see past her chest.

  9. They were wearing those buttons because she's SMOKING HOT!

    Of course, five minutes after I screwed her, I'd go vote for a Democrat at the polls, but ... in the end, I have to do what's RIGHT.

  10. Why is the media stating that having 5 children will be a distraction in Washington?

    I would say impeachment against Clinton, Lewinsky, and all that other drudge was a distraction to him, but the media never brought that up?

    Did you find Bidens comments last year about "every time you walk into a 7/11, you find an Indian working at a slurpee machine", they are "such clean people", offensive or racist?

  11. "Hot" can mean much more than "s**y."

    Commercials will talk about the "hottest deals"

    And the "hottest styles" does not necessarilly mean the sexiest.

    But the double meaning seems a bit inappropriate.

    Still, it would be rather hypocritical for the Democrats that are calling her a bad mother for essentially accepting a major promotion have no right to call the Republicans "sexist."

  12. Republicans in general are sexist. John McCain doesn't believe that women should have equal pay as men.

    Talking about a woman's appearance as "hot" as always disgusted me. I think it is because women are finally initiating themselves in national politics(presidential election, etc etc) and maybe some people are trying to fend them off by trying to be offensive.

    Personally, I dont know why Palin would go with John McCain, besides her super idiotic view on abortion. She doesn't believe abortion should be done for babies conceived through rape or incest. She's a horrible name in politics for women of all kind.  

  13. It's just something they're having fun with. I don't understand why you think it's something to get so worked up about. Yea she won beauty pageants and all that and it's just a fun button. I'm a moderate and this just isn't really even a blip on the radar compared to other issues in this election, in my opinion of course.

  14. whats cool about Alaska???



  15. Have you seen the other VP's?  All dogs.  We talked about The Breck Girl too and he was running for president.  Very s**y.  Too bad he couldn't be  a better man.    

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