
Why were all my e-mails deleted, without my knowing,between May 8th and November of last year?

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Why were all my e-mails deleted, without my knowing,between May 8th and November of last year?




  1. Do you mean in a Yahoo Group, as crazy_mom assumed?  Or do you mean in your private e-mail account?

    If you mean the latter, you would have to contact the provider of your e-mail service.  How to do this varies, depending on which e-mail service you use.  Look around for some way to contact a Help Desk or Customer Support or something like that.

    If you mean in a Yahoo Group, you would have to contact the Group owner/moderator by sending an e-mail to (replacing GroupName with the actual name of the Group, of course).

  2. the owner of the group probably deleted them, or the moderator did. ask them about where the posts went

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