
Why were animals rescued from the floods before all the humans were?

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Why were animals rescued from the floods before all the humans were?




  1. By Logic,I can say that human is having natural intelligence to rescue himself (unless don't know swimming).But most of the animals don't have it.probably it (i m talking about big animals) may unknowingly kill the human when it try to escape from the same flood as you mentioned

  2. OK, I will make some assumptions in order to answer your question.  

    The recent flooding along the Mississippi River gave good warning to people.  So the farmers got what animals out they could.  However, there were still plenty left to fend on their own.  Humans are supposed to be intelligent enough to know when to go.  You would think that they all would have left way before the waters rose.  Many took advantage of the government buyouts after the 93 floods and moved to higher ground.  Why some stayed is beyond logical reasoning.

    The Floods written about in the Christian Bible are a myth, never happened.  There is absolutely no proof that the Earth was covered in water within the last 5000 years.  Now, if you will remember the story, God told Noah to protect his family, this he did.  Actually it was the humans that came first, not the animals.  After all, Noah needed a little help.

  3. Which floods? When? More detail here, please.

  4. Frankly, I was disgusted by the lack of decency when people with animals had to leave their animals to die during Katrina rescues.  There is no favoritism for animals over humans.  Humans are top priority which is how it should be.

  5. The arc was made by humans. so the animals were helped and saved by the humans.

  6. What flood? Hopefully you're not referring to the fable of Noah's Ark... After all, this is the SCIENCE section, not the mythology section.

  7. if you are referring to Noah's flood there were only 8 people saved, and they are the ancestors of everyone living to day. now can you guess how long it took to load 8 people onto the ark as opposed to all those animals, birds, and insects.

  8. First come, first served.

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