
Why were arab-americans discriminated against following the terrorist attacks of september 11?????

by Guest57440  |  earlier

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  1. Because the majority of Americans are geographic and cultural illiterates. And that is true, despite any individual education level. Most Americans, fired up with anti-Islamic fever, didn't know that over 80% of Arab-Americans are Christians. Copts from Egypt, Syriac Catholics and Maronites from Lebanon and now Chaldean Catholics from Iraq. But, the media doesn't know that either, so they can't pass on the information either. So, it produces some rather funny results.  There are those who worry about Senator Obama's alliances when his middle name is Hussein. No one ever points out that his first name is a spelling variant of a famous Israeli General in the Old Testament of the Bible. Nor do they ever point out that Spencer Abraham served as a U.S. Senator and a cabinet secretary. That George Mitchell served as U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader. Or that General Abizaid led our forces in Iraq. Arab-Americans all.

    Put it down to ignorance. BTW, I'm of Norwegian ancestry.


  3. What JJJ said. People also reacted out of fear. Same thing happened in WWII with the Japanese. Guilty by association meets can't trust your neighbor if he/she is "whatever" ethnic group.

    I think it scared alot of people also because they (the terrorists) had been hiding in our society posing as upstanding citizens while plotting our demise.

  4. It is simply because 9/11 was an inside job and the propaganda machine needed to ensure that the target of America's "retaliation," being the Islamic world, would be demonized in the public opinion by creating an atmosphere of fear and suspicion of these people.  It is a basic proceedure in any psychological warfare campaign.  101.  If you will notice, the United States lead coalition invaded Afghanistan as a result and it is interesting that there was a pipeline deal that culminated from this occupation.  In addition, the opium production in that nation has actually increased since the invasion and occupation and it is a well known fact that the elements of the American CIA and British MI6 are the world's largest drug trafficers.  In addition, the fear and false patriotic atmosphere generated in the immediate post 9/11 aftermath also permitted the United States to convince the people of this nation to rally behind an attack on Iraq, which has been proved to be based upon lies and doctored intelligence.  Interesting that oil and a strategic position for a resource called oil which should already be scientifically obsolete in the year 2008 is also involved in this equation, is it not?  Watch for an excuse for these guys to wage a war against Iran, next.  The world does not work the way that the majority of people believe that it does.  The short answer is that is was a well coordinated psychological operation upon the American people following the aftermath of the false flag event known as 9/11.  It certainly isn't the first time in history that this has occurred and it certainly isn't the first time that a population has bought it, either.  

  5. Because those who carried out the attacks were Arabs, and people are stupid and like to judge entire ethnic groups by the actions of a few lunatics.

  6. Every one was discriminated against after the attacks. I lost two of those tiny Swiss Army knives in airport security because I forgot to take them off my key chain. Before the attacks I had no problem with them. And I'm not an Arab.    

  7. How can u ask this? Bin Laden was Arab nuff said.

  8. Because minority groups are hated by some white people

    and they found a reason to hurt them

    PS watch the south park episode

    The snuke

    you'll get it  

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