
Why were freeways built?

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Why were freeways built?




  1. Search President Eisenhower and the interstate highway system

  2. freeways were made for traveling long distances around the city without the hassle of going through a bunch of stoplights and stop signs

  3. Part of the reason freeways were built was to serve as emergency runways in times of war.

    It is said that one out of every four miles of interstate freeway has to be straight for this purpose.

  4. faster trans across country without going thru towns!

  5. So people can get from point A to point B fast (express).

    Why do you think it was built?  Did somebody tell you a story?

    Good Luck...

  6. To get people from one place to another.

  7. It was first adopted from the German Autobahns. The US implicated it to connect all major cities together and also for use if there were an emergency.

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