
Why were so many songs in the 60's about social issues?

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Why were so many songs in the 60's about social issues?




  1. I think people were more conscious about social issues at that time. Today they are more concerned about their own self interests.

  2. Before the 60s, nobody questioned the staus quo----minorites had their place, so did women, all down a level from white guys. The 60s with kennedy's death and Martin Luther King Jr's, got people questioning authority as never before. Add to that the baby boomers coming into their teens and 20s and trying to improve on the old order, and you have a whole range of reasons to change the way things always were.

  3. I think it's because of the war that was going on, the changing of music, the killing of a President, racial issues, etc....many changes took place during that era.

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