
Why were so many white people supporting that Rocco guy over Tiger Woods yesterday?

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I work as a manager at a restaurant with TVs showing sports games. This white lady asked me who won the golf, and I said I wasn't paying attention, but I think Tiger won it. She said "Darn, I was cheering for the Rocco guy!" I was like, d**n, you're supporting some obscure golfer over Tiger Woods, who happens to be handicapped and playing the greatest golf of his life? Ok, an old white couple come in and ask the same question, and I said Tiger won it. They proceeded to grimace, say Tiger did a great job, but that they wanted the Rocco guy to win. I was like, wow, THREE white people supporting Rocco over Tiger, the GREATEST golfer in the world who made an amazing comeback after having knee surgery.

America is so racist it isn't funny. People really should have their money on McCain to win. When whites see black people, they always see a low-life thug, and not a normal, educated person. I can't believe what I saw yesterday.




  1. Isn't it funny.

    If you root for a white guy you're a racist.

    If you root for a black guy (which as someone said Tiger is not) then that's not racism.

    So for all of us to not be racist we should ALWAYS root for the black guy!

    Its people like you that make people become racist you dumb ***!!

  2. WOW its sounds to me like you have a problem.  I think more people wanted to see Roco Win because he has never done it and he is thee 157th golfer in the world and he went head to head against the best in the world.  

    I personally don't thing the color of someones skins has anything to to with people watching them, and wanting them to win!

  3. "America is so racist it isn't funny. People really should have their money on McCain to win. When whites see black people, they always see a low-life thug, and not a normal, educated person. I can't believe what I saw yesterday."

    That has to be the dumbest d@mn thing I've ever heard.

    Sorry, but I have to ask... did you root for the Giants ("David") or the Patriots ("Goliath") last year?  If you rooted for the Giants, does that make you racist towards the people living in the New England area?  Now how does that sound?

    Like some of the people above have said, it is normal (and this has been going on since the beginning of time) to root for the underdog.  Tiger's #1 in the world, and Rocco was somewhere in the 150's.  Even though deep down you know Tiger's gonna pull it off, it'd still be cool to see some obscure guy pull off the upset.

    Look at how animated Rocco was, and that was all the time.  He seemed to be looking like he was still wondering how he was playing out of his mind.  

    To consider racism is beyond absurd.  It's that back-woods thinking like yours that keeps the rest of us forward-thinkers from ever making headway to a better society.  Why not try to stop being such an angry person with no reason to be and join the rest of us?

  4. I wouldn't go that far.  Rocco is 45 years old and has never had the opportunity he had yesterday and he knows that the likelihood of him having another opportunity like that is very slim.  Rocco himself was out of golf for a while with a severe back problem.  He was broadcasting for a while on the Golf Channel last year.  For him to be in a playoff with the #1 golfer in the world was an amazing feat.  People want someone to step up and beat Tiger all the time.  The problem is that he is built for what you and everyone else who watched saw yesterday.  No one else on tour is.  Being the most talented golfer on the planet plus being the toughest golfer on the planet equals the most unbeatable golfer on the planet.  It's simple mathematics man!  There is some truth to what you said though.

  5. You are looking for a issue that is not there. People (all colors) were pulling for Rocco because he was the underdog. He is 45 and most likely will not have another chance to win a champonship like the US Open. Tiger has won 4 (now). I (who am white and older than Rocco) wanted him to win just because it would mean so much to him who appears to love the game and love other people.

    Did you notice he was the one who approached Tiger for a hug after Tiger won?

  6. Your question shows that you are not white.

    It also shows that you don't play golf.

    You are probably under 25 years old.

    Your question should have been "why do so many support Rocco?"

    The answer is Rocco Mediate is Rocky Balboa.  An obscure athlete at the bottom of the list who got his one chance in life to go against "one of the best".  Maybe not win, but take him farther into the round than anyone else.  So far that the heavy favorite needed a miracle to continue.  And even another miracle to continue one more hole.    

    Rocco represents Everyman, the duffer, the semi pro, a typical run of the mill golfer.  

    That is why Everyman supports Rocco.

    Tiger is one of the best but he is not yet The Best.  That title is still owned by a white man named Jack Nicklaus.  A few other white men named Sneed, Hogan, and Palmer might have something to say too.

  7. According to you I must be a racist too.  

    I have enjoyed watching Tiger dominate golf, but ya know - I was thinking how cool it would be for some 46-year old guy who plays to the crowd to cap off his humble career with a US Open win.

    I guess I need to do some serious soul searching and figure out where this hate within me comes from...

  8. This has nothing to do with race.  People love to root for the underdog, and Rocco is the people's choice.  He is nice at every tournament, and signs autographs fro kids.  Tiger is the greatest golfer on the planet, and my favorite.  And I am white.  Does this make me racist?  Sounds to me that you are the racist one.  And just so you know, not every white person see blacks as thugs.  Thugs are not a race, they are criminal type person.

  9. What makes you think Tiger is black? His mom is Asian, and his dad was part Asian -- so if you want to assign a "race" to Tiger, black isn't at the top of the list.

    Anyway, Rocco was having fun out there, having the time of his life. (Few golfers play that way.) I wanted Tiger to win, but on the other hand, it wouldn't have bothered me too much if Rocco had pulled it out.

  10. You are full of c**p.  Did any of those people say "I'm just wanting the white guy to win".  Have you ever considered that MAYBE people just like pulling for the underdog.  

    Why do we all have to be Tiger fans because he's the greatest golfer in the world.  For several years the Yankees and Lakers ruled their sport and I hated them both.  Is it because I'm racist???  NO, it's because I got sick of seeing them win and wanted to see the underdog pull off the upset.  No difference with Rocco yesterday.

    Get a life, and put the race card back in your pocket

  11. I don't think one can classify this as a racial issue. Rocco Mediate came out of nowhere, had to win a qualifier to make the trip, then finish  within 10 strokes of the leader on day 2 to be eligible to finish. That in itself was a feat for which many who understand golf wished him the very best. By all odds, he had no business being there and except for a couple of shots at the end ,could have hoisted the trophy in place of Tiger. So don't put the racist label on everything. Let's agree that there are many bigots in the US on both sides, including the Reverends Jesse  Jackson and Al Sharpton being the biggest of them all and ones who shouldn't be.

  12. It's just really sad. Many whites just aren't comfortable with successful black athletes, especially in the "country club" sports. Only a few decades ago upscale whites claimed that African-Americans could never succeed in sports such as tennis and golf because they did not have the finesse to play elite sports. Tiger Woods is shattering stereotypes and forcing people to acknowledge his undeniable talent.

  13. i dont think the people you came across were being racist. im sure there are people out there who want tiger to be beaten by someone white, to put him back in his place. and there are others who just want him to lose because he wins so much. hey im black and i wanted to see rocco win because it gets boring to see tiger win all the time. i hope tiger gets his *** handed to him at the next major, lol.

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