
Why were the Anceint Olympic's Created and who by??

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Why were the Ancient Olympics Created and who by??

Hello, I'm just wondering why the ancient olympics were created as I'm doing a project on it and also if possible could you please include who created them....Thanks Heaps!!!




  1. the greeks! for competition way back when. you should really try a google search or maybe wikipedia from time to time.

  2. no one knows the exact person who started them, theyre so long ago. but here's all you need to know:

  3. Once upon a time there was a message that need to be delivered so a man carried a tourch and ran for a long, long, time and delivered the message. Amazed about his ability, people wondered what was the limit of what man could do. Google it!


  5. althought most don't know this, the olympics were actually created in China about 3000 years ago by a guy named Confucious.  the greeks actually stole the event and claimed it as their own.

  6. The greeks invented the Olympic Games to worship their god.. Zeus.

    I don't think anyone individually invented the games.

    But Pierre de Couberten is the 'father' of the modern olympics.

  7. There are many myths surrounding the origin of the ancient Olympic Games, the most popular of which identifies Heracles and his father Zeus as the creator of the Olympic Games. According to the legend, Zeus held games in honor of his defeat of Cronus, and his succession to the king of heaven. Heracles, being his eldest son, defeated his brothers in a running race and was crowned with a wreath of wild olive branches. It is Heracles who is believed to have first called the games Olympic, and established the custom of holding them every 4 years.[8] The legend diverges at this point. One popular story says that Heracles went on to build the Olympic stadium and surrounding buildings as an honor to Zeus, after completing his 12 labors. After he built the stadium he walked in a straight line for 400 strides and called this distance a "stadion" (Greek: στάδιον, Latin: stadium, "stage") that later also became a unit of distance. This is also why a modern stadium track is 400 meters in circumference — the distance a runner travels in one lap (1 stadium = 400 m). Another myth associates the first Games with the ancient Greek concept of ἐκεχειρία (ekecheiria), Olympic truce. The date of the Games' creation was based on a four year cycle. The most widely held estimate for the inception of the Ancient Olympics is 776 BC

  8. I believe the Olympics were started by the greek. They were called the Greek games.  They changed several of the games because the games use to be life and death.  Then as the years went on and new games were created they had to be welcomed as a sport.  I think Cesar started them but I'm not 100% sure. or when. sorry hope I helped.

  9. I know a greek did.

  10. Athens, Greece

    Proved that the men had strength for battle through sport competition (thats why the javelin, discus, etc., not badminton and ping pong)

    Besides, wasn't much to do, no MTV?

  11. Greeks created them.  There is dispute among scholars  on the why. What I think amy have happend.

    1. Like today men like too compete in vaties physical tests - games are an easy outcome of this.

    2. By competeing in the sporting arena instead of in all out war, the brutal bloodshed amongst Greek City States could be mitigated.

    These are just my conjectures, the written and archeologic evidance is scant the absolute reason the game were started is lost in time.  Some may think the know for sure but its just hubris.

  12. In Olympia, Greece, they were held back in 776 BC or earlier.

    No idea who came up with it, but it was not only athletic but also religious. See link.

  13. The ancient olypmics were created by greeks .

    it was originally just for men , but in time it changed (obviously..)

    i think the reason for the olympics wwas so men could have some recreation ?

    i have no idea :p

  14. By the greeks. And for the same reason they have them now - to bring the different people together. Have you seen wikipedia? It'll give you the complete history of basically anything.

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