
Why were the dems against the civil rights movement?

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Why were the dems against the civil rights movement?




  1. Most Dems were in favor of the civil rights movement. The ones who were opposed to it became the modern Republican Party.

  2. Because most of the Democrats were Southern... funny how the Democrats are seen as the party for the minorities - NOT.

  3. A lot of southern politicians were Democrats, aka Dixiecrats, but after a Democratic president signed the Civil Rights acts in the 1960s, things changed.  Many southerners started voting for Republicans on the national level and several of their Democratic politicians switched to the Republican Party.  The Republicans then implemented their Southern Strategy virtually cementing their hold on the southern vote.

  4. Actually, the Democrats in the 1960s who were against the Civil Rights Movement are all now Repbublicans. Vice President Nixon, after the defeat in 1960 against Kennedy Johnson, led the Republican Party in shifting its emphasis to the Old South as its core, since the Democrats were shifting to the Northeast and the West Coast and the Rust Belt.

  5. I needed my chauffeurs wage to keep my three wives, eighteen kids two dogs and a monkey.

  6. They were called dixiecrats and have since moved over to the Republican party, which has since lovingly voted against the MLK holiday.

  7. Because back then, the Southern Democrats were very right-wing conservative types.  I'm glad we kicked them out of the party.

    Obama 08!

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