
Why were the events at Pearl Harbour allowed to occur by the US government?

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  1. ummm...because they didn't know about it?

  2. i was watching something about Pearl Harbour, they said that they did actually see things coming towards them on the screen or whatever its called,they alerted the other people on the ship, but they ignored it.

  3. 1. inefficiency and dereliction of duty by some members of the American military: 2. Arragance (The Japanese wouldnt dare and if they did we can sort them out with ease)

  4. The sneak attack was a mistake Today the PCer's want us to call it a surprise attack Ok this sneak attack enraged Americans Fights broke out when they found out they were being shipped to Europe Americans wanted to kill Japaneses

    After our needless involvement in WW 1 Americans wanted no part of Europe's wars and rightfully so

    Japan is lucky to exist as a nation today

    There is a push to rewrite history and overlook parts of it

    Japanese were told to leave the west coast or be put in relocation camps Today they call them concentrations camps However the U k did this in Canada before us There has been much talk of how unfair this was Read ''in defence of interment'' Indeed the Japanese living in America did aid their homeland,as any sane person would expect them too

    These same people who pulled off this sneak attack told us ''ho  no Japanese living in America aided us in our attack ''

    You pretend to want to talk of peace and than attack and we are to believe anything you say But than there are some who do

  5. The US Government did not allow the attack on Pearl Harbor.  what does the UK care for anyway.  Thanks to the Japanese attack the US got into the war early enough to save the Empire and the Queens as*

  6. This is an issue that has been the subject of much debate through the decades.  There is some evidence on both sides.

    At least one radar outpost did detect the incoming invasion.  Whether they mis-interpreted it as US aircraft inbound to Hickham or a US Navy exercise has been debated significantly.

    The Japanese ambassador to the US was to deliver a declaration of war to Congress and the White House.  This was actually delivered after the attack due to scheduling snafus on the Japanese side and a dismissive attitude towards to Japanese ambassador.

    Modern military doctrine holds it unthinkable that the entire fleet would be in one place at one time, rendering it as a sitting duck.  Admiral Husband Kimmel, chief of the naval fleet at Pearl Harbor was implicated in the attack for this reason but was never punished.  He demanded trial by Court Martial to clear his name but this never occurred.  The repercussions of Pearl Harbor essentially killed off his Naval career.  Whether he had information that would have implicated the Roosevelt administration in the attack that would have become public knowledge at trial or whether he was simply a scape-goat for the administration are unknown though there is much speculation on both sides there.

    Roosevelt knew that US involvement in WWII was inevitable and necessary to stop the advance of both Hitler and Hirohito.  However there was a strong popular isolationist feeling in the US at that time.  The "peace movement" of the 1930s and very early 1940s made the peace movement of the Vietnam era look tame by comparison.  Most Americans wanted no part of either an Asian or European war, feeling that it was their problem, not ours.  

    The allegation has been made that Roosevelt either tacitly allowed Pearl Harbor to occur by ignoring intelligence information that indicated it was eminent (sound familiar?) or that even worse, he ordered the Pacific Fleet to Pearl Harbor (as an impossible to ignore target for Japan) under the cover of classified orders that remain classified to this day.  The third theory of course is that the administration and the Navy were both too stupid (or cocky) to believe that there was a viable threat (sound familiar again?) and that lead to the attack.

    The results of the attack are pretty clear.  The US immediately became involved in both theaters, simultaneously declaring war on Japan (for the attack) and Germany (who had a treaty with Japan) and bringing the US into the fray.  The attack immediately galvanized American feelings towards the war effort as a victim of imperialist aggression.

    There has been much speculation as to whether the US would have ever entered WWII without the attack on Pearl Harbor though most military historians agree that it would have been inevitable.  About the only issues in contention are when and would it have been soon enough.  If the US entry had only been delayed a few months it's likely that the outcome would have been the same.  However had the US waited until Britain fell to Hitler -- probably in late 1942 or early 1943 or so -- the outcome could have been far different.  We would not have had a base in Europe to launch the attacks on the German war machine, at least without liberating England first.  That would have been an extremely difficult task by any military measure.  

    Had that given Hitler enough time to complete his heavy water experiments and complete his own nuclear weapons development program, all of Europe would have fallen as would have the Soviet Union and very possibly the US as well.  Some theorize that the US may have been able to muster sufficient defense to prevent an invasion of the US mainland or at least forestall it long enough for us to complete the Manhattan Project it's very likely that WWI would have escalated into a significant nuclear exchange between the US and the Axis forces.  Germany didn't have any long-range bombers that could have delivered that to the US mainland, at least in the early to mid 1940s but if they had successfully invaded England (and some say, honored the pact with Stalin) there's little doubt that they would have had the time to develop such a platform.  And had they advanced their rocket expertise to inter-continental range or developed a successful mid-range sea-launched missile there's little doubt that DC would have been a target as would have much of the US' industrial base and financial centers.  And had they shared that technology with Japan, we could have had nuclear strikes raining down from both coasts.  I shudder to think what the outcome of such a calamitous situation would have been.

  7.   Some would say that FDR needed this calamity as an excuse to enter the war.  Naturally, he was reluctant to encourage US involvment considering the oppositions resistance to US inclusion.

    Inept military leadership in the Pacific, at the time of the Japanese attack, would be my opinion of why this attack was successful.  Much speculation about war with Japan was already on the front burner, as was a full blown war already being played out against the n**i's in Europe and Russia.  All the while, the US command on Pearl was out playing golf.  Radar detection, although new, was dismissed as being unreliable.  Navy ships huddled together for easy prey, yet another huge breach of defense.  Spy's lurking in full view of the harbor helped guide Japanese warplanes to their targets.

    Pearl Harbor, and the tragedy that occurred there on December 7, 1941

    was a clear example of man's vulnerability to those determined to do him harm.  Sixty years later, almost to the month, the US had already forgotten the huge loss at Pearl Harbor, and the lack of defense that allowed it to occur, and found history repeating itself on 9/11.

    When will we learn, when will we ever learn.

  8. You are obversely not a great history buff , or you are being deliberately obtrusive , the history about Peal harbour has been so often aired that even an airhead like you would have heard or seen it and no amount spin will change that. As for the hundreds of brave sailors and civilians relatives and children i hope they blow you out of the water on GMT or any other station you irresponsible idiots chose to try and change history or facts to suit your twisted minds .As for giving you conspiracy theorists credence by listening to your tatty program , you are joking of course

  9. There was no conspiracy on Pearl Harbor. It was just Japanese people attacking the USA, because we cut off trades with them because they were commies, and we were their biggest supplier, and they wouldn't last much longer without us. So they attacked us to help out the Axis and get more supplies. A man predicted that they would do this, but his colleagues thought he was crazy. America didn't know that they were t war with Japan. So we weren't ready  

  10. The war was all but won in Europe but the USA had just now completed The Manhattan Project the first atomic bomb test.

    During the project the possible targets were named as Kyoto, Hiroshima, Kokura, and Niigata.

    The USA knew it was running out of time to be able to drop the bomb, in a wave of propaganda they said that the Japanese were fanatics who had vowed to fight till the last man.

    This is why Pearl Harbour was allowed to happen, to justify the dropping of the A-Bomb.

    Dropping the bomb not surprisingly lead to the instant surrender of Japan and America could claim victory.

  11. Did you know that German intelligence warned the United States that an attack on Pearl harbour was imminent, that warning went straight to the US. naval command in the Pacific who then ordered there carriers to leave Pear Harbour. And in London Winston Churchill discussed the the attack with his military and intelligence chiefs TWO days before the attack began

  12. 1. The United States government did not want to be overtly aggressive in its military patrols.  Aerial patrols by military aircraft rarely reached out to the length and location of the Japanese naval task force that launched the attack.

    2. Most American military and government officials believed that a Japanese attack would occur in the Philippines, not Pearl Harbor.

    3. Incompletely trained radar technicians did sight the Japanese aircraft on their way to attack Pearl Harbor.  However, they were told that the radar blips were B-17 bombers flying in from San Diego; a group of B-17s were flying in that morning, but from a different direction.  Inadequate training and poor communications lead to the lapse to early detection of the raid.

    There are plenty of other things that went wrong before and during the morning of 7 December 1941 that made the Japanese attack possible.  However, it was not the work of an American government conspiracy.

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