
Why were the media silent? What made them cut the reports?

by  |  earlier

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A teacher in a high school in Cheshire ordered the class to kneel on the floor and say prayers to Allah. two boys refused and they were "disciplined". The parents protested. This was reported on Yahoo but no news service in the UK took up the story. Within minutes it was removed from Yahoo. Have we not got to know about these things?




  1. Censorship is in every aspect of our lives on the internet and films etc.

  2. Just sounds like an over-zealous teacher losing her sense of proportion to me, but it also depends on exactly how the kids refused to bow.  For instance, if they started screaming something like "We ain't gonna pray to effing Allah" at the top of their voices and disrupting the lesson she would have been perfectly within her rights to discipline the kids.  I notice the Torygraph carefully doesn't spell this out.

    This quote from the story might give an indication of why they acted as they did - "Yesterday parents accused the school of breaching their human rights by forcing them to take part in the exercise."  Breached their human rights how exactly?  By forcing them to pretend to be Muslims for a couple of minutes?  Poor babies!!

    Other news outlets probably didn't pick up on this because it's a non-story: kid gets stroppy in class, big deal...

  3. Well the news has always been censored to a certain degree.

    If you buy a right wing oriented newspaper they will only report news that serves their political leanings and the same with the left wing media.



    The reports are in the media and on the web!!!

    I assume if the parents are not happy they will complain to the relevant authorities and it will be taken further.

  5. Shocking that news has been censored - most likely so that the area and school isn't brandished as racist... and becomes a so called 'hotbed'.

    I can't condone the story being taken down - but likewise I am constantly hating this persecution and tittle tattle of religious beliefs. So my theory stands as to why this local news piece managed to get national covereage in the first place.

    Why isn't the article covering the ridiculous behaviour of the parents, or the unruley students unable to follow commands in school...

    Instead they jump on the band wagon and start to fire up tensions. So I can almost see why it was pulled even if I disagree

  6. Show me one link to prove that you are not completely making this up please?

    Links to other forums discussing it, or noting that the stroy was removed will be fine.

    EDITActually, found the limk myself and this is disgraceful

    It should be noted that the woman RE teacher repsonsible was NOT a Muslim, and has been suspended.

    EDIT2: Its hardly been censored, I found the links on the majority of the UK press.

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