
Why were there no news reports about the record maximum of sea ice in antarctica in 2007?

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This graph shows, at the end of the antarctic winter in 2007, antarctic sea ice was at a record high.

Everyone knows there was a record minimum sea ice level in the arctic during the same year.

But why are there virtually no articles about antarctica while there are hundreds on the arctic?




  1. I've seen hundreds of articles about Antarctica.  Use the News section and Google "Antarctica".  I don't see how that graph means anything as presented.  There are more articles talking about the areas where the ice has increased than there are about where it has decreased.  .

  2. ??????idk ask them

  3. Hello

    The sea level is slowly raising by melting of Sea ice in Antarctica.

    Before 20 days one big Sea ice  belt is broken and it is will cause the raise of sea level

  4. because they want us to give them money for something that is a complete lie.  global warming is a political movement and even though it is taught often as fact, it is just a theory and there are many facts that go against global warming.  it ticks me off how al gore convinced us that were all gonna die even though in the 1960-70s there were reports of global COOLING.

  5. the libs have no real response to the real truth except to keep pushing their phony mantras. today there were blizzard warnings in the dakotas, minnesota and wisconsin. i wish the libs would explain how the artic and greenland ice is melting at record rates when a couple of thousand miles south theres a blizzard. funny all this winter when it was so cold, albert gore and his dummies were no where to be found.

  6. Because it has transformed into a political issue from a scientific issue, as more and more people rely on the unqualified Al Gore as a factual base. The main story on the Antarctic was that the Wilkins Ice Shelf broke off in parts.

    The fact that Antarctica as a whole has had steady growth in ice sheet amounts is of little concern to a brainwashed media. It is considered immoral to argue with theories of anthropogenic climate change and as a result, many people have not relied on facts, but on the media and Al Gore for information.

    A good site to visit if you would like both sides of the argument presented in an easy format is which has recently been named by the London Times as one of the top five eco-news sites.

  7. Most of the main stream media drank the kool-aid and will only give out information that supports their political leanings or point of view.

  8. Probably because:

    A) You live 1,500 miles away from the Arctic and 8,000 miles away from Antarctica.

    B) An ice-free northern passage between the Pacific and Atlantic has been sought for centuries and may be close to a reality

    C) Polar Bears are effected by the Arctic melting, and nothings effected by the current Antarctica sea ice levels

    D) But the biggest reason is probably that these events are both a confirmation of what many of the climate models have long predicted.  The massive Antarctica refrigerator and far less land mass in the southern hemisphere was expected to see a much slower warming compared with the northern hemisphere.

    So both events are actually a confirmation of the models accuracy.

    Surely you aren't inferring from your link that somehow the global average temperature isn't warming?  That wouldn't be a valid inference at all.

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