
Why were two cats howling in unison at 2am last night?

by  |  earlier

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I woke up so confused because I had no idea what this noise was. As I came round though I realised there were 2 cats going absolutely mental, howling like sirens constantly for about 15 minutes (or longer...I closed my window and put my ear plugs in). I've heard cats fight, this wasn't a fight. This was more of a vocal duet. One cat seemed to be leading as it had a more overpowering voice and the other would yell in time.

Then it would fall silent for 10 seconds...until they would go at it again with the loudest scream yet, all in unison... and the fun resumed as normal :/

Can someone please explain to me WTF was going on? This isn't normal behaviour for a cat, surely?




  1. They were mating .they make that noise befor and during .also a very similar noise is one they make when they are very likely about to fight usualy over terriatory or females in heat.

  2. There was a female cat in heat somewhere near them and they were competing for her attention and the right to mate with her.  Cats doing this (especially near buildings) is extremely common when people have non-medically sterile female cats that are locked in-doors in an area with a high population of feral cats.  What the male cats never realize is that no matter how much they try to "win" the female, they can never get to her and have her.  So, they go on and on until they get tired, bored, frustrated, etc.

    The way to solve that problem is people should get their cats fixed, stop letting their cats run free outdoors, and stop abandoning their cats.

  3. i think u will find it was not cats but foxes , they mate 2 times a year , feb -august. so it 's the mating season ,

    trouble is when they mate , they get stuck together for  half an

    hour , that is what all that screaching is about,

    so would we if we were locked together for that amount of


    i do more than that , ican asure you ,

  4. They are breeding!

  5. a female is in season, it's a mating ritual

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