
Why were unbaptized babies in 1962 not allowed to be buried in Catholic Cemeteries?

by Guest10805  |  earlier

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1 Month Old Baby




  1. It's pretty stupid since not one baby was baptized in the bible to begin with. So baptizing babies is not biblical.

    'let the little children come to me."

  2. Because at that time it was believed new born babies who were not baptised, had the sin of Adam on their soul.

  3. why would they want to be in the RCC?

  4. Because at the time it was thought that they went to neither heaven nor h**l. This was a practice but never an official teaching of the Church. There many things done in Catholic Churches that aren't really supposed to be done, but they are. Take for instance holding hands during the Our Father. This is something you see done in most Catholic Churches, yet it is not condoned by the Catholic Church, in fact it is considered a liturgical abuse.

    I know this is not the same thing, but my point is that what a Church does or allows is not always a proper Catholic teaching.

    We believe that Christ is our hope, he loves all people and we trust him with the souls or our unbaptized dead babies. The 1 month old baby you speak of is in his care, and he is certainly more loving than any human being could ever be.  

  5. Because if you are not baptized Catholic, then you are not a Catholic.

  6. Can you give us the source of your information?


    Thank you for giving more information.

    Because the Roman Catholic church follows its own doctrine(rules).  And in some instances that doctrine contradicts or goes against what Jesus taught.  He said "Suffer the little children to come unto me".  

    Please do not worry,  Jesus is above the rules of man.  He will have taken that baby and all babies into His loving care.  

    Jesus did not teach to baptize babies.  He was 30 years old before He was baptized.  And He asks you wait until you feel ready to repent of your sins and ask Jesus into your heart as your savior.  Then you get baptized and follow Him.

  7. I am guessing it was because they were unbaptized.

  8. The Church has revamped a lot of 400 year old rules just after 1962.  If the parents had intended on having the baby baptized and he/she died, canon law allows for a Catholic funeral. People need to take instructions from the priest, not the neighbor down the street.  

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