
Why weren't J. Patino, J. Bottinelli, Buonanotte, C. Pierrou playing in the Argentina league last weekend?

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Need to know for my fantasy football team. Are they injured or what? Also now that Carrizo is gone? who is River Plates first choice goal keeper?

(Please don't tell me to google it as I already have with zero success). Also if you can answer without saying juvenile stuff like "who cares, river plate blows" etc. I would be most appreciative! lol




  1. First of all, anyone saying "Who cares, river plate blows" needs to do some homework. Diego Buonanotte is in Beijing with the national olympic team, while Patiño (prettiest guy alive) and Bottinelli have been sold abroad very recently. It seems the one against Argentinos Jrs. last wednesday was Bottinelli's last match, but I might be wrong about this.

    As far as River goes, Simeone's first choice as goal keeper is Juan Marcelo Ojeda, though he seemed reluctant to go for him at first, due to his lack of confidence with some plays. He did a good job last sunday and wasn't in any way responsible for the goal scored against River, so we could assume he's gonna be the man.

    Hope it helps.

  2. Olympics

  3. patino is with san luis of mexico,bottinelli is with atlas of mexico and the great player "el enano" is scoring goals in china.

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