
Why weren't humans formed in eggs?

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Why weren't humans formed in eggs?




  1. What.

  2. Because they're mammals.

  3. Firstly, humans are mamals. Organisms which lay eggs do so for several reasons. Their internal body temperature are not apt for the developement of the fetus. Also, the parent may not be physically able to cary multiple offsprings at the same time. In such cases the fetus clearly cannot develope inside the parent due to the possiblity of a high mortility rate and is not suitable for the continuity of the specie.

    Organsins which lays eggs are usually very small or their off spring is usually very small when they are hached.

    Humans like most larger organism, our young thend to have a long gestation period. During this time the gain a larger amount of nutrients from the mother, which is needed for growth. With such a growth, come a lot of metanolic activity which generate large amounts of waste. This waste is removed by the mothers body, lest the fetus would die. 9 months of waste clearly cannot be stored in an egg. To generate the energy for the metabolic activity the featus needs a constant and sustained supply of oxygen. The rate of oxygen supply to a growing baby cannot be met by mere diffusion throug an egg shell.

    for these reasons we need to develope in our mothers body and not a shell.

  4. Technically, human females do have eggs and that is how all of us started out.

  5. because we are mammals. mammals give birth to live young.

  6. human females have eggs but not the laying in the nest kind those eggs with the hard shell are from reptiles and developed to keep in moisture and protect if from the sun when laid mammals don't lay there eggs they carry them with them  

  7. because were mammals and females can't have eggs  

  8. Humans belong to the mammal family therefore they are not formed in eggs.

  9. We are part of the group of mammals, and its characteristic of us not to be born via ovivipary (in shelled eggs, like reptiles and birds), but via vivipary (live birth, mother and baby are connected via an umbilical cord). We simply do not possess the reproductive structures for us to produce offsping encased in eggs---we do not deposit calcium carbonate around our offspring via special glands like in the case of chickens and birds, for example.

    There is an exception though---the duck-billed platypus is the ONLY mammal that lays eggs. It's grouped within mammals because it exhibits more mammalian characteristics that overshadows its egg-laying capabilities.

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