
Why werent whites smart enough to not technologically progress so other races did not move in with them?

by  |  earlier

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Not so smart after all eh?




  1. insulting racists remark

    this rant does not make you any better then the people your insultting

    not every white is racist and not every non white either but this remark by you is!!!!!! For Shame! reported and don't use eh to pretend your canadian as that is just a stereotype that canadians constantly say that in daily language


  3. Because whites stole u.s.a from the different tribes of native Americans and stole a group of people from a complete different continent to work on that land and basically tricked there way into getting Texas Cali new Mexico etc from Mexico.

    so basically technology progress would be more useful if the other races had it to keep whites in Europe. not to sound racist but facts just facts if some one ask a dumb question like this you have to give a smart answer.

  4. Every thing you see around you, all the technology, cars,computers,space exploration, medicine, trains, planes,helicopters, are from the advanced white people. The reason non whites live with whites is because they want to, everyone wants to live with the white man. Whites are technology, the reason we dont care if non whites live with us is religion ( christianity ) and the main reason is business, and commerce, we need people to do the dirty work cheeper than we are prepared to do it for. We need non whites for our system of business.The west is not a race of people but a business.

  5. That does not equate! For various reasons,the 'whites' do not have large families as they once did. Being smart has little, to nothing to do with it. If you were smart, you would have known the answer, and not revealed your ignorance to ridicule. what would you like to be , when you grow up?

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