
Why western countries especially the Americans are not willing to accept that Chinese are the most powerful?

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not in Sports but everything and the Chinese are most certainly hard working people than the Americans.




  1. Hmm..either you're a liberal or some no nothing European just looking to bate people. Either way you are clueless to the real world.

  2. Horrible, repressive governments have all underestimated America in the past and paid a dear price.

  3. We even do Chinese food better than China. I'll take orange chicken over san jiao ("three screams") any day.

  4. Chinese are not yet the most powerful, but we have the largest armies on earth, and nukes, so don't f*ck with us.

    And we are certainly the largest population on earth, so I would advise anybody to stay out of our way, and we will stay out of your way.


    JFH is clearly uneducated.

  6. As China has a vast population it could destroy everyone without going to war all the have to do is jump  at exactly at the same time to make the earth unbalanced thus killing us all

  7. I heard that in fact Chinese people have an inferiority complex when it comes to westerners and are especially conscious of the fact that physically they tend to be a lot smaller than them.

  8. Great, now who is arrogant and thinks they are the best?  

  9. If China is so great, why are here so many Chinese immigrants in the Untied States?

    Are there any good Chinese cars, baseball teams, football teams, soccer teams?

    Are there any good Chinese air cleaners? How much pollution does China have?

    How many  Americans are migrating to China because they think it is a better country?

    Please explain China's human rights and child labor policies.

    NO ONE is stopping you from moving to China!!!!!!

  10. what ever you are probably jealous cause we are powerful!!

  11. And people say Americans are arrogant?  Japan is more powerful than China.  Deal with it.

  12. I have to give the questioner his props - these guys are more hardowrking.  When you consider the h**l they went through - "The Great Wall", the civil war with the nationalists, the Great Leap forward, the Hundred Flowers, Cultural Revolution, China's own Vietnam experience (which I believe occurred in Vietnam) and Tianmen Sq. to cite a few, it would be impossible to believe that these guys weren't supermen...

    ...except for the fact that many of these wounds were self-imposed, frankly out of the population's willingness to swallow empty dogma as principal (apparently unchanged if the questioner is any sign).  The questioner's lack-of-a-clue can be guaged by the question - in a modern global economic arena, even factoring out the rise fo corporate states over nation-states, no country is "most powerful".  You guys buy our debt, but we just turn it around and buy more of your stuff, the oil to power that stuff and the military hardware to keep the whole thing running smoothly.

    We can dispense with inherent hard-workingness as Chinese - as incomes rise, wages will raise prices of consumer goods, narrowing the competitive edge of Chinese exports.  While that may count little when the balance of trade with America is so outbalanced, it will assist the growth of other industrial powers in the region.

  13. That's only because your government MAKES you be!  If your people were free like we are, they would have rights and not have to work themselves to death for almost nothing!

  14. I believe with that many people, we should attempt to be their friends.

    If we ever went to war, they have enough people to put them in cannons and shoot them at us.

  15. I think that it's a little arrogant of a question and not very respectful at all. Us Americans don't walk around every day thinking of who's more powerful.

    And as for the fact that you think that Chinese work harder...yeah we may have some lazy people but for the most part it's a stereotype. I've seen people work so hard that they've been put in hospitals for injuries, and unless you've ever worked on a ranch or farm, you have no idea how much work that really is. My family is a ranching family [my uncles, aunts, grandparents] and many of them work their whole lives from sun up to sun down in work that would tire most people in half the time.

    I think it would do you good to gain a little bit of humility and to not be so accepting of stereotypes.

    And educational moment for you. "Nukes" as in nuclear weapons as in chemical warfare is not much of means of protection anymore. It may not be common knowledge or taught in schools but I have family that works with chemical stockpile area's and chemical warfare is illegal on an international level. The extreme devastation they cause has brought it's attention to the UN and all countries must destroy their chemical weapons thanks to a treaty. It's one of the reasons that America has stayed in Iraq and Afghanistan is because there is suspicion of them not keeping the treaty.

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