
Why when I'm drunk do I keep doing this?

by  |  earlier

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The times I got particularly drunk and went to the bathroom to freshen up, I have found myself pulling my pubes out and putting them in an unsightly place, like around the WC pipes or (in one instance) a neat little pile next to the taps.

Normally I'm a perfectly respectable member of society. What is wrong with me when I get drunk? I'm ashamed to ask but can anyone read what these demons inside me are saying?




  1. They're saying, "Steve, lay off the liquor".

  2. I'm sorry that i can't give you a 'proper' answer and without wishing to sound harsh, I really do think you maybe need to take this further and get it investigated to get to the root cause.

    It is obviously something that you are worried about and nothing to feel ashamed about.........see your GP in the first instance.

    Good luck x

  3. This is a complex question that I'm afraid doesn't give enough detail for anyone to make any helpful assumptions. Here are some questions you'd need to answer:

    Are you male or female?

    How old are you?

    If you're under 18, are your parents still together/do you have a guardian?

    How do you feel about yourself in general?

    What do you look like in general? Overweight, awkward...anything that would make you body conscious?

    Are you deeply religious?

    How many close relationships do you have?

    Would you consider yourself to be be socially active? Do you feel 'fake' when you are or are you comfortable interacting with people?

    When you're drunk, do you intend for people to know it's you doing it? Do you tell people you do this afterwards, jokingly, and then laugh at their disgust like a teenage boy would after having farted in the car? Or do you, even drunk, have the sense to keep it a secret because you know it's weird and socially wrong?

    If it's the former, I wouldn't worry. While it's disgusting and you should definitely try to curb this behavior, some people are simply stupid about what they think is funny, no offense. I know a guy who makes an effort to f**t in front of his girlfriend whenever he can. It's gross, it's anti-social and annoying to everyone around. But it's not completely out of the ordinary, especially if you're a younger male. You may simply grow out of it in time, especially if you're aware that it's strange.

    If it's the latter, there are a few conclusions I could come to.

    1. Drinking automatically lowers inhibition. With that in mind, you may simply be trying to be an exhibitionist, doing something admittedly crude to get a 'naughty' feeling. This is especially true if you're religious. Many times people who are religious act out in strange ways because they're trying so hard to not act out the rest of the time. Anyone who forces themselves to behave a certain way for too long may eventually 'pop' and do something wild.

    So you'll have to ask yourself how you feel after doing this. You're obviously consciously doing it; you remember it and you make an effort to do it. Once you identify the feeling, try to figure out what it is about leaving pubic hair around that gives you this feeling that you need to have.

    2. Do you have issues with abandonment? Are you trying to leave a piece of yourself wherever you go? I once knew a woman who would leave hair pins in her friends homes and she didn't know why. She didn't have many friends. She'd been moved around a lot as a child, her parents were drug addicts who would leave her for days or weeks on end. She finally ended up living with her grandmother after both of her parents had been arrested. She had some definite abandonment issues and this was how she dealt with it. Rather than dealing with the emotional trauma of losing her parents one after the other, she 'forced' people to have a part of her with them that they didn't know about, so she'd always be there with them, even if they weren't with her. It was a defense mechanism. If you think this might be the case, it may be time to seek the help of a professional therapist because it won't just stop. In fact, it could get worse.

    3. Are you predictable in your everyday life? Are you trying to prove to yourself or others that you aren't what or who they think?

    And while all of these are possible, it's also possible that you're simply a jerk when you're drunk! If you know this happens whenever you drink too much, try to control yourself. You have the sense to know this is wrong. You're looking for an answer. So instead of worrying about what you're going to do, stop drinking SO much. Pace yourself. You'll save yourself the massive hangovers and embarrassment. People do a lot of weird things when they're drunk-- you at least can control it by giving yourself a cutoff limit.

    If you want to ask other therapists, try here:

    ...rather than yahoo answers where you may get some really bad advice or be made fun of by people who don't know what they're talking about.

    Hope I helped a little.

  4. dont drink.

  5. You've got some kind of mental disorder I don't remember what it's called and maybe alcohol triggers it,  I've heard of something similar and even more disturbing My friend worked at a doctors office where the patient informed the doc that she had a wierd habit of taking her vaginal discharge and putting it on walls of various places, like other people's houses, restraunts, and well you get the idea, sounds really gross but it's a true story, he sent her to a psychologist for some sort of disorder. I think that's where you should head to next instead of the bar.

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