
Why when I stop at a 4-way Stop sign, everyone honks even though I always wait for the 4 cars to go?

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Why when I stop at a 4-way Stop sign, everyone honks even though I always wait for the 4 cars to go?




  1. person on right goes first

  2. I"m not sure, but where did you come from ROTFL :-)))


  3. Because they're impatient.

    Good on you for not giving into peer pressure and getting into a car accident just because someone wants to get home a couple of seconds earlier ; )!

    But, we don't have these over here so maybe there is a rule like "give way to the right" to keep things running smoothly? Also if you have enough gap to go safely then don't wait for a car that's ages away to go through - but I'm assuming you wouldn't do that anyway and you're just being a sensible driver.


    EDIT: Kudos to PatriotRider for explaining the rules to me! A bit like our roundabouts here where you give way to the right.

  4. The rule is: You must yield to any cars that arrive and stop before you do and you must yield to any car that arrives at the same time as you, if it's on your right. Personally, I also yield to anyone who looks like they're in a big hurry or talking on a cell phone or otherwise distracted. When I'm on my bike, I'm vulnerable and so I'm one courteous MF...K ;o)

  5. the way i do it and usually c ppl do it is this. wen coming 2 a 4 way stop it is like lining up. so whoever gets there 1st goes 1st whoever gets there 2nd goes next and so on. but it also depends on the car going across from u. if the car not straight ahead of u was at the sign b4 u let him go 1st. then u and the car straight across will both go

  6. Because whoever gets to the 4 way intersection has right of way. If 3 people get there at the same time, the person to the right gets right of way. You don't have to wait for everyone to go.

    Also, cars that are going straight through have right of way over cars turning.

  7. You should only be waiting for 3 other cars.

  8. The rules for a four-way stop are like those for a two-way: Stop and look for oncoming traffic, and proceed when it is safe to do so.

    You may occasionally arrive at a four-way stop sign at the same time as another driver. In such cases the driver to the right has the right of way. However, not all drivers know this. If someone to your left decides to go first, let them!

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