
Why when a reporter ask McCain a Question about anything it always leads to him talking about him being a POW?

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Why when a reporter ask McCain a Question about anything it always leads to him talking about him being a POW?




  1. McCain and/or his spokespeople don't "always" do this . It just happens whenever they can't think of a better response to a question and have some sort of brain f**t. One example below, a question about the economy.

    There is one example right there, from McCain himself.  Another example is when the multiple houses thing came up, McCain's spokesperson brought up his POW experience as a way of defending McCain, even though that experience was not related to how many houses the Senator Owns.

    It doesn't "always" happen...though it has happened frequently and will probably happen during the Debates and/or the RNC. Frankly, Dems are too nice too attack McCain for anything related to his war record, even though Repubs obviously had no such qualms about Kerry.  

  2. Funny.  I don't remember that ever happening.  Now that you mention it, though, I do seem to remember a Presidential candidate in the last election who kept bringing up his service in Vietnam, including a trip to Cambodia in December of 1968.  Who was that again...?

  3. He does not want to invoke:

    "let me ask my staff"

  4. Your question is lying to me. Why must it lie to me? I've heard him talk hundreds of times, and rarely does POW get brought up.

  5. Wile John McCane  was a POW he suffered worse than any one who wasn't there can imagine. Also after some time he was given the opportunity to leave but he refused unless all his platoon could leave also.

    John McCane is a great American!


  6. You have asked a question based on a  faulty premise.  But I don't mind McCain telling us what he did that makes him a  patriot -Obama would tell the same kind of tales- if he had any!

  7. that's all he got to say is his pow story cause his altimeter's is kicking in

  8. SOURCE ? facts please? back up this brain f**t with some proof

    I have never heard McCain MENTION IT ON TV ONCE !@

    so come one give some evidence to back up your lies.

    MAYBE IF I HEAR ON TV ONE MORE TIME from Nobama he remembers his grandfather fought in WW2 I mgiht even fall for the BS that he is qualified for C in C which the moron Biden clearly thinks is the case

  9. It shows McCain at his best and deflects attention away from his scandals including his excessive wealth and multiple homes, the Keating Five scandal, his ailing health, his missteps on foreign policy, his flip flops on social issues, and his ties to the Bush Administration.

  10. They should ask him if the Vietnamese were pissed because of all the napalm he dropped on them...see what he says then, the WAR CRIMINAL.

  11. your right about that

  12. It doesn't

  13. even though you question is asked in absolutes... the answer would be that you Learn Alot In A Cage... about yourself, others & humanity in general.

  14. Better than that commie Kerry bragging about Vietnam and his purple heart

  15. Frankly, ANYONE who spent 4 yrs in the Hanoi Hilton has a right to talk about it ALL THEY WANT!

    They've earned that right!

  16. That is all he has to talk about, the rest of his conversation would go like more of the same of George W. Bush.  We don't need a repeat of that.  

  17. Your question is a lie.

  18. Because it was an important focal point experience of his life.

    It's kind of like "Why when a reporter asks obama a question about anything it always leads to him talking about nothing at all?"  Because he has no important experiences to talk about.

  19. Umm, you have very limited viewing of current events if that's your take  

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