
Why when i'm cold do i pee like a racehorse?

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Why when i'm cold do i pee like a racehorse?




  1. because i put all my money on yours to win

  2. dont know maybe because when lads get cold there balls shrivel up

  3. because your skin/body evaporates less water, therefore it gets to your bladder and you pee like a race horse.

  4. cant really think how a racehorse pees

  5. Listen Neddy,horses for courses,you need to keep

    your never regions warmer,Long Johns may help.

  6. oh!

  7. Because your muscles constrict when you are cold..including our bladder, which causes ou to pee more than ou otherwise would.

  8. And you put this question under sports,horse racing?You have got to be kidding! So,do you moan when peeing?You probably have a BIGGGGGGG  horse disease!

  9. Mainly because in cold weather you don't sweat and so you pee more because you have more fluids in your blood that have to be expelled in other ways then sweat!

  10. Maybe you put off going to the toilet longer cos you'll get a cold willy.

  11. You need some hay.

  12. From backpacking experience I have learned that peeing helps to keep your core temperature warmer.  Although it seems you are losing heat because your urine is warm, actually it's only warm because your body has to heat it.  An empty bladder is calorically cheaper to keep at 98.6˚F.

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