
Why when i ask questions their is 5 answers, but when i c other questions their are like 30 or more?

by  |  earlier

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im so confused are my questions bad that no one answers them? hahahaha. this is true, but just 4 fun. i wna c how many ppl answer this question. i have 2 do math hw .... i only have 3 more problems left. wooooooo. but then i hav more hw. ahhhhh.




  1. Hahaha, I get the same thing!  When I ask a question only about 3 people answer.  Maybe it's too difficult or something no one's interested in.  Or perhaps someone already answered it and everyone thinks that you'll be satisfied with that answer.  Try asking something in debate right now... like who's better Clinton or Obama.   Give that a shot!

  2. it happens that way depends on what time you ask, and how you word your question.

    good luck with your homework.

  3. Make it sound more interesting

  4. Well, you have to get your question like very like "into" it like a serious thing.

    Not like "What should I make for dinner?"

    Ask a serious question, and you probably will get a lot of answers.

  5. you  are wierd and that is why no1 answers your questions  =(

  6. same for me!!!!


    do your homework

    i finished it like 4 hours ago!

    did u do english?? i didnt!!

    a*****e ostokoon!!

  7. People answer questions that they feel they know the answer to, but also weigh in on questions that are likely controversial.

    Once someone has given an answer that is entirely adequate, many people will not add another answer.

    A question that appears to be argumentative may get many or few responses. But those questions are often posted to challenge rather than to get a right answer. Waving the red flag in front of a bull sort of thing.

  8. Here's a thought: ask better questions, and you'll get better answers. =)

  9. Your really Random.....but cool lol

    yay finish it up :)

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