
Why when i get any type of emotions i turn suddenly red?

by  |  earlier

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why I'm turning red just like that..when i eat or when i get out of the shower..or when I'm sad or angry or talking to girls or when i fail a class or get a bad mark in a test..yo know..and specially my lips...they turn red if i l**k them...what is wrong with me




  1. when you get emotional, you heart beat becomes faster and blood flows faster. this happens for all people, now you must have thinner skin on your face so it reveals your inner state. there's not much you can do about your skin, but you can do some exercising regarding control of your emotions. like, when your alone, imagine something wrong or embarrassing just happened and when you feel you're getting emotional, try to calm down and convince your self that everything's ok and your not nervous at all. in time you will learn to calm down is short time and this will help you in real situations.

    and again, there's nothing wrong with you, this happens to many people.

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