
Why when i go on hols to cancun do i spend the whole time given geography lessons?

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I'm from Wales, uk, europe, the yanks i met met made my holiday, friendly up for laugh, great people, but got bored of explaining where i came from so just said from London to save half hour, why is there geography so bad?




  1. I am sure that the geographic knowledge of Americans is much lower than most Europeans. A majority of Americans do not know what is the capital of Canada. I am not suprised that most of them don't know that there is an indigenous culture that speaks a language that is thousands of years old, only 150 miles from London. If you know some Welsh I am sure that impresses people.

    - A comedy troop from australia did some funny interviews with Americans. Actually, I think some of the questions are kind of difficult (like "Who is in the Coalition of the Willing?"), but it is always appalling when people don't know the difference between a state a city and a country. The second video is Jeremy Clarkson interviews in Vegas. The third video is a comedy routine.

  2. It is true that many Americans are not very good at geography,  but, how is your knowledge of American geography?  Are you familiar with the different states, regions of the U.S. and North America?  I have found that Europeans have scant knowledge of the geography of North America....for instance..they think that if they are going to visit Toronto, they can take a day trip to Vancouver.  Or, they have 2 weeks in the U.S. and want to drive from New York to California, then to Florida...and have several days in each place...not realizing the great distances involved.  So..we all  need to brush up on geography.

  3. Mark....I love your question! First off I am American, but I am more intelligent than most. You are right...most Americans aren't that great in geography and also anything else. Here in the US there is a commercial that ranks the US 25th in education of all the schools in the world.  It's sad to say, but yes the Americans aren't as well educated as we should be. I thank the lord everyday that I payed attention in school when I was there and I do know geography.  What has happened is that the technology got a hold of American culture and is destroying it day by day. I remember when I was a child and would come home from school and then go play sports and then come home and eat dinner and then do homework....Nowadays in America everyone (including 10 yr. old kids) are using IPHONES and the internet instead of learning what is taught in a school.  It's a sick and disgusting thing to see how our children are becoming. That's why Americans are getting so FAT.  Like I mentioned I am American, but we are getting lazy and worthless.  Everybody thinks America is sooo good to live in.....think twice....It's not!  

    So, yes as far as your question....Americans are not well up on geography and all other aspects of life.  You have to explain to them because they are under educated. It's a shame, but yes our education process is very poor.  Once again...I grew up in a different time in American society, but now it's all internet and Iphones and yes the schools don't teach well like they should.  That's how they learn nowadays in America. Sorry to say!

    I apologize as an American for you having to explain everything and where you are located in this world.   Not every American is unintelligent, but it's getting that way.  There are still some intelligent ones left. :) Just say are right and they will understand...LOL....

    Sorry again....Thanks for being nice to the uneducated Americans!  There are a lot of them!

    Take care Sir....have a great day!


  4. What do you expect from a country whose president called the good people of Australia Austrians? Unfortunately our schools are badly underfunded and have been for years.

    If it makes any difference many Americans don't know New Mexico and Mexico are different places. <sigh>

  5. Mark, instead of coming on to Yahoo to ask an inflammatory question, why not use the situation (Yanks not knowing where Wales is located) to create more interesting conversation- such as asking where they live and then naming places that are about 1/2 hour away from them to describe the distance to London? Anyone/everyone can come along to express stereotypes they believe exist, but only the skilled and interesting can turn that into a benefit for all concerned.

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