
Why when i speak with my dog, him doesn't answer me???

by  |  earlier

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  1. If you speak the way you write, he probably doesn't understand you. You must have been getting English lessons off Zorlock lol

  2. He's probably appalled at your use of grammar.

  3. Are you sure it doesn't answer? Maybe you're unable to understand it..

  4. Yes, he does, you just don't understand.

  5. actually when i used to talk to my dog i used to feel that he understands me! BUT HE doesnt he's  DOG

    he only knows the voice tone!

  6. he understands you...believe me.....if ur really close to him he understands u......but he express himself in another doing noises......twisting.....etc.....

  7. mmmmmmmmmm ! my cats does the same lol  

  8. Because dogs are incapable of learn English or any language for that matter.

  9. your voice just taked his breath away... right along with his voice =P

  10. verbally no but he answers you in many other ways with his obedienceand caring so ,ho hum good luck with your cosy little chats zzzzzzzzzzzz

  11. Give him Rice Krispies for breakfast.

  12. sorry for myEnglis but I'm Italian ^^

  13. Only in movies & cartoons can animals APPEAR to talk. In real life, though, they lack a hyoid bone, which humans have in their throat structure, which enables us to form complex sounds.

    You can learn to communicate with your dog in other ways. Take him to dog obedience classes. Get some books on dog training, possibly from the library.

    Go to: Pets > Dogs here at Y!A, and ask them for some websites, books, and suggestions.

    This is from another answer: Learn the principles of classical (Pavlovian) conditioning, and Operant conditioning (in books on training animals, from your library, kennel club, petstore, bookstore, or and apply them consistently. You will train a dog much better with rewards, than with punishment.

    Provide toys, and things to prevent boredom, such as containers, with small holes spaced around them, and containing some small "doggy treats", so that they have to keep rolling it around, to get at them. Ask at the petstore. If you get one as a puppy, consider getting a large, furry, stuffed animal, and a wind up alarm, (turn alarm off!) to simulate its mother's heartbeat, and put them next to its sleeping place, to help with fretting.                                                                                          

  14. Hunny, if your being serious, then i suggest you go to your mum or dad and ask them about it.

    In my opinion i think you must be imagining things... go to your mum/dad and tell them what your experiencing, trust me!!!


  15. Get yourself a doctor, okay?

  16. You shouldn't have a dog if you don't know how they communicate.They don't communicate through speech but in many other ways,winging,crying,whimpering,barking, and attention seeking,all signs to look for.They do understand what you say though through watching  your actions as you speak.

  17. Try cold milk and chicken bites. My dog never talked to me until I tried this, now we're sat here on the sofa having a bud watching the olympics. He likes the womens volleyball!

  18. dunno ask him

  19. First of all, check if he has headphones in his ears, then try again to speak with him.

  20. Becuase hes a dog  ? :  /

  21. trust me you wont want things that arnt meant to be able to speak to you speak! not nice.

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