
Why when i write lolita in search bar no result found?

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Why when i write lolita in search bar no result found?




  1. cause it is probably filtered out,I remeber seeing a question about this along time ago by wrathpuppet. lolita is somehow a violation of community guidelines-on yahoo answers.

    try using google and use the authors name

  2. Try again.

  3. I would assume it is because you have a security program that doesn't allow searches for p**n.

  4. I tried it and the first reference I found was a Wikipedia reference to Vladimir Nabokov's Book Lolita. Try again Good Luck

  5. Why are you looking for lolita? You have to specify what kind. If it's the book, try "lolita nabokov". If it's the Japanese style, try "gothic lolita", or "japanese lolita". Also depends on what search you're using.

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