
Why when it rains i feel more calm and deep thoughts come to my mind?

by  |  earlier

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I really like the rain, but it makes me sad. and also enbraced.

for anything, i feel more ... deep about stuff.

it's a great feeling but. i don't know why i get it.




  1. maybe you're just more in touch with nature. sounds cheesy. but when I was little i used to hug trees literally, and i used to feel so "glad". I don't do it anymore, and i'm not an environmentalist, but I also like the rain. I think it could be the soothing sounds, that make you relax, and you just feel so philosophical. It just allows you to stop worrying and all these thoughts come to your mind.

  2. okay. in general people tend to slow down physically and mentally when it is raining because the mind is synchronized to be more active when it's not raining (people are more active when it's not raining and less active when it's raining or not as active as when is not raining). to prove this, people mostly feel moody when it's raining because the mind know that it's not easy to move and there are lots of limitations. that is why you stay inside the house when it's raining and people is sad when it is raining. this mind pattern affects the emotion of the person. when it is raining the mind (basing on its pattern) commands the body to relax and calm-down making the essence of inner and outer intuition more felt. the moodiness and relaxation caused by the rain is the main reason that a person feels deep when its raining.

    this event only happen if there are no factors that stresses the mind.

    the second event is that you are associating the rain on something that happened before that gives you sadness or loneliness. by this the memory will be remembered consciously or unconsciously and the emotions will be felt again.

  3. Because the rain is like a cleansing spirit, thus clearing your mind.

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