
Why when life is at a peak, does it have to decline?

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Why when life is at a peak, does it have to decline?




  1. Everything goes through its cycle, it is begun, it grows, it matures, it declines, and then it goes away.  Stars, humans, galaxies, rivers, planets, doggies, nations, species...its just the way it is.  So...remember that you will be older a lot longer than you will be young, plan for being older, save up some money, take very good care of your health, don't take needless chances, and enjoy yourself every day.  

  2. There would never be a peak if there weren't a decline to follow.

  3. cause it's life... that's why the older you get the smarter you get.  you learn to prepare yourself for the worse.  going to church really helps.

  4. Once something has reached its peak it has two options - to end or to decline.  For example an athlete who has reached his or her peak must either leave the sport at that peak or decline.  That's what the peak is - the highest point it will ever have.  However, when it comes to life, how do we know when it is at its peak?  Maybe things have been going great - better than ever - so we think it's the peak - but that's the thing about life - it really can get even better!  Don't worry about the ups and downs (peaks and valleys) - everyone's life is full of them - but the real peak may be just around the corner.

  5. Says who?

  6. It couldn't be a peak without a decline.

  7. everything is like that

    ups and downs

    uve got to work hard to limit how low u go. if u know what i mean :)  

  8. Life is like a mountain, Just try a higher HILL

  9. Well the first guy said it.

    However its like good and evil. You dont know what good is without evil. So the same it is with life, you dont know what the peak is without its downfalls.

    However I dont think it has to be a dramatic decline. Every life will have its ups and downs, but I think your reaction to it is what makes it better or worse.

  10. what goes up must come down.

    a lot of competition (business), there is always a NEW best.

    philosophically speaking, nothing is REAL enough to be perfect!

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