
Why when men don't do or accomplish they're - "lazy" "stupid" or "jerks". While women- 'weren't encouraged' ?

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Whether it be not enrolling in college or - not working out until they're 45- or not doing something or other in the home.




  1. i'm not a new-ager into psychobabble, so i've never used the phrase "wasn't encouraged"

    you aren't making your life what you want it? you're lazy. pure and simple. male or female.

  2. There are a LOT of men on here who believe women should just be housewives, and not work outside the house, So you know men are going to catch more heat for not having a job.

  3. No evidence for this, son.

    Sounds like you have a "persecution complex" and an overly active imagination.

    Please continue taking your medication as prescribed; it can take several weeks for you to derive any benefit.

  4. To become "accomplished", one must have both encouragement AND must rise within herself, or himself, make some effort.  The only double standard I see in your example is how clearly it reminds us that although most boys are encouraged with rich patriarchal social acculturations of expectations to succeed and become self-sufficient and self-determining, many boys are failing to rise within themselves, to do their part to grow a brain.  BUT, although girls are definately not encouraged yet as much as they should be to become self-determining, self-sufficient and successful, many girls are succeeding by rising within themselves as one of the first generations of women in the history of our species to have legal protections en masse for their human rights.  THAT'S challenging, if you think about it.  The reason girls tend to fail is not for lack of honorable effort but mostly from lack of encouragement.  Whereas, the reason boys tend to fail is not for lack of encouragement but from lack of honorable effort.  Ask any educator.  Ask any drill sargent who works with men and women.  Ask any prison warden.  Ask any academic honors committee.  Everyone in the educational industry (I am) is all a'buzz about this right now.  I think society is about to come down like really hard on boys for behaving like lazy stupid jerks too much if they don't start applying themselves more like they are capable of.

  5. because nothing is expected of a woman, its only role in life is the manufacturing of babies, domestic duties and s*x, it gets itself an accomplished\able husband to provide for it and the children.

  6. Sometimes there is a double standard.  But I think I can "take it like a man".

  7. The most sexist sexists, are feminists.

    When will men wake up and smell the coffee?

  8. Because the society has unrealistic goals for men. Women yell equal rights, and now they've got it, but STILL expect men to achieve. They believe women are equals and yet men should somehow do better than themselves. This makes no sense at all.

    Anyway, men have long been associated with ambition and power and those that cant attain are classified as lazy or stupid. So whether you over-achieve or under-achieve, someone's gonna say something.

    Powerful men are labelled chauvinists, underachieving men are labelled lazy, stupid or 'scrubs'. All terms given by women... It ain't easy being a man =)

  9. Because society sees women as saints, and radical feminists will say "THATS SEXIST! STOP IT THIS INSTANT!" if someone

    calls a woman lazy or whatever you said above. Society thinks that men are supposed to do all the hard work while women just lay back and relax.

    And now feminists are wondering why men are against them

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