
Why when the 'Powerful country' America start a fight, GB has to get involved?

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If america get involved with Russia will that start a cold war? will GB have to get involved if so?

Also why is it that that if america is such a great powerful country why to GB always have to join forces with them? when we dont need to get involved as they are so powerful in the first?




  1. i fail to see how America started a fight with Russia.  Didn't Russia invade Georgia?  Didn't Russia threaten to nuke Poland?

    Do you or do you not want the US to stand between you and Russian agressiveness and/or nukes?   Will GB do that by themselves or is Poland and Georgia and the rest of the former Soviet sattelite states expendable and irrelevant to the future safety of Europe and GB?

  2. america, ha, rusia, hahaha the powerful ones are them chinese lol

  3. Get off the computer and read a little history.  Try perhaps a biography of Winston Churchill, then maybe a brief history of WWII.  After you see how America rushed to Great Britain's defense you will be more appreciative of how civilized Democratic countries help each other to defeat evil in the world.

  4. Anglo-americanism and Zionism are joined at the hip .

  5. good question.  I honestly can't understand why we (UK) have to always get involved in something just because America does.  All they ever seem to do is lead us into pointless wars

  6. We don't always - we didn't get involved in Vietnam, though the US did push for us to help.

    On the whole, the general story is that Britain and America's international interests tend to coincide on a large number of issues.  We're both English speaking, democratic, Atlanticist, pro-market liberal, with globe-spanning armed forces, and business interests worldwide.  It may *seem* like America snaps its fingers and we do their bidding, but on the whole it's because Britain sees its interest in promoting the American line.

    This is not to excuse recent activities on the part of Her Majesty's Government, of course...

  7. Luci, he gets involved because he is the president.

  8. hi there. most history books are biased don't put too much faith in them they are good for dates and events but not much else.

    currently the most important resource to the western world is oil. without oil we cannot transport any other resource to where it needs to go. that means no food no clothes etc....

    In the world at present there is no shortage of oil fields/wells for us to find oil we do however have a shortage of oil refinery's. Basically we have enough oil but not enough place's to turn the oil into petrol,diesel etc. America is in control of over half of the worlds oil refinery's.

    so we stick with America. Also don't forget that America needs us on their side. If Europe becomes fully united as a nation of super states(no thank you very much) America will need to appease not only us but the whole of Europe. so in all its better for USA  to be nice to us and vice verse.

    If A new cold war starts(some say it never ended) then we will more than likely join with the US. I think it goes without saying that we already made a move by entering the middle east.

    the powers that be know whats going to happen well before we do.

    I hope they bring back national service. It may help flush out some of these immigra

  9. because the british government is a buncha 'tards lol

    America isn't strong enough to launch another war at the moment though...

  10. America is the strongest country militarily, and economically, but america is not a conqueror nation. We try to create a better life world wide without imposing our will on the established governments.We win wars, then rebuild the fallen countries and allow the local people to govern themselves. If it were otherwise, we would have kept control of countries like Iraq to own the oil. But you see, we don't.Bush, as president has to honor commitments to countries that we have a treaty with, or who belongs to the same organizations like nato and the U.N.. Also we try to gain freedom for countries who want a system that values human rights.And bush can't decide on his own what actions will take place. Our governments has checks and balances so our leader cannot act as a dictator and impose his will over the rights of our citizens.

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