
Why where the n**i's so flashy when it came to the Holocaust?

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I mean rounding up Jews, Gypsies, and other minorities, putting them in trains and sending them off to death factories to work them to the bone was easier then just killing them upfront? Isn't that a little too "exsessive" even for n***s?




  1. n**i Germany was a more conservative society, extereme conservitism is facism. They didnt think women should work in factories when the men were at war like in the US, so they needed manual labor from men from somwere, so hitler made up abunch of stuff about the jews for the german people to hate them so he could take them and use them as slave labor to make weapons and such. Those unable to work were sent to death camps and killed. As far as i know in the end most people who went to concentration camps (work camps) didnt die, but alot did and obviously they were treated badly.

  2. casue they needed workers

    y r u thinking bout this?

  3. It was easy for the n***s to dismiss the Jews, Gypsies, and all other non Nazies because of their being able to justify that these people were responsible for their horrible economic conditions after the treatment they received after the Treaty of Versy (I think I'm wrong about Versy spelling. It's been a while since I read this stuff. But the points are accurate.) was created after WW I. The treaty had punishing economic conditions for the Germans for being mainly responsible for that war.

    Horrible economic conditions can have devastating effect on people, and yes can lead them to kill if things get bad enough if their killing is justified to be able to rise back up economically again. But remember, jingoism is also the crime they suffered from.

    All in all, when pushed to the limit, they rebelled, and what a horrendous rebellion it was. They weren't just interested in exterminating the Non Nazies, they wanted to make them suffer for the suffering they believed they had received because of them. The old eye for an eye theme ironically.

    They also needed labor. And cheap labor they got with the Non Nazies. The Non Nazies were responsible for (under force, of course) helping the Nazies build weapons, soldier gear, practically everything the Nazies enjoyed during their time of conquest.

    The most horrible lesson is this, they were able to dismiss other humans as expendable because of the reasons stated above.

    Just like corporations are doing now to us in our grand 'ol U.S.A. We are a tribe. We always need to respect each other, not necessarily like, but respect. And that means more than just respect in the form of "Hey, you're OK with me man." That also means respect for the people with proper health care provisions, proper wage proportions, proper taxes that actually go to help the people who pay them, etc...

    Always remember that era. And remember the reasons for it. They've been occuring throughout history BTW.

    Justifiable homocide, genocide, very possible...EVEN TODAY!


  4. Hitler Wanted them all dead. True. But he wanted to humiliate them, and work the h**l out of them till their spirit was broken, and they wanted death. Also, He needed Slaves for the n**i war machine. So he used them for that too. He needed workers, so its not excessive, but smart. Yeah, Evil smart, but still smart.

    Plus, If they declared war on the jews (Aka Killing them upfront) The Jews might of had a chance with the Allies on their side. They didnt want them to get a chance, Basically.

  5. To answer your question, you need to understand how the n***s came to develop the "final solution". They didn't think about exterminating the Jews en masse until the war was about half way through. It made perfect sense to put the Jews and other prisoners to work, it enabled Germany to build up a strong army.

    Futhermore, as someone else has pointed out, when the n***s invaded the USSR they pretty much executed people on the spot. There were "death squads" that rounded up Jews, Communists and others. They simply took them to pits dug in the woods and shot them.

  6. n***s started mass killings of Jews as soon as they invaded Russia in June of 1941. Soon they have discovered that it was : 1. Not effective and not fast enough , 2. Too much mental stress ( too personal ) on the einsatzkommandos and others involves in the actual murder of people, 3. Too dangerous to leave so many traces of genocide, 4. Not practical not to use people as a slave labor before exterminating them etc. Thus Death Camps were created on the territory of Poland that could "process" more people. Treblinka, Auschwitz, Sobibor ...

  7. Hitler wanted to humiliate them. Killing wasn't enough for a person as sick as he.

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