
Why white people live so good?

by  |  earlier

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  1. well my mothers white and she hasnt had the best life ever!

  2. Huh?

  3. Wake up. Race doesn't determine how well you live.

  4. Not all white people.  I am white and my family from Lithuania are poor.  Life is not good

  5. really i live in a hotel right now i am homeless

  6. Wow, you're a bigot huh?!   This white woman is barely making it.  We're not all rich and happy.

  7. what I'm white and life soo sucks how can you even make a comment like that.

  8. why asian people so smart?


  9. the color has nothing to do with the good living

    I can't see the connection between color and a better life

  10. Do we? I Hadn't noticed

    I live okay, I think good might be pushing it.

  11. White black or any other color we all live the same. It is how you spend your money, what you buy . You can buy your want's or you can buy your needs and live good. A person can live like they want to live. I have friends of all colors and some live good and some not so good. You can tell who know how to spend there money and who tries to save for a rain day.

  12. White or not, I'm guessing your lack of good fortune goes hand in hand with your lack of decent grammar or spelling there "gril"

  13. living good has nothing to do with race hon

    get your 2 points for free;...

  14. How insulting, Have you never heard of 'white' trash?

  15. I dont know its just easier. People find us more attractive

  16. Umm there are poor white people too.....

    my parents were both very poor growing up but then they worked their butts off and got money

    hard work=money

    but thats such a stereotype...

  17. I would say there is good in every color. I think it has something to do with trying in life. If you are lazy and you didn't win the lottery you will probably not live so well.

  18. Why are you livng in race? Everyone no matter the color has good and bad times.

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