
Why will Obama NOT support our troops?

by Guest11109  |  earlier

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Democratic Presidential Nominee Barrack Obama refuses to sign Senate Resolution 636 introduced July 31, 2008 that would officially Declare that the surge had the desired effect and that our troops were successful in their mission (pertaining to the surge) and officially thank OUR men and women for their service to OUR country. Why after everyone, every indicator, even the A.P. and CNN have declared that the surge has/is worked/working does HE still balk at the idea of American Success? Better still why does he refuse to thank American Troops?

This bill was sponsered by Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham.




  1. Because unlike you, Obama knows that the second we leave Iraq it will erupt in violence as shown by history. Simple minded people think that there will be peace after the surge, after all the billions and lives wasted on the Bush Revenge War. The notion that we're going to change people's ideology (Sunni, Shite, Kurds) halfway around the world is at best naive. They hate each other, even more so than whites hated blacks in this country. Unfortunately and usually the people who are most boisterous about Iraq, the Surge and it's success don't have an idea about it's complexity. Time will only prove my point. While you'll continue to be ill informed no dought by the Republican propaganda machine called FOX news.  


  2. Our troops are fighting against his friends.

  3. Obama supports our troops, he just doesn't support this stupid war. Why should he encourage them to participate in a war that's doing absolutely nothing but costing us grand sums of money and people's lives?

  4. Sounds like they are this election's swift boaters.  Forget official thank yous.  Elect someone who will get them home.

  5. Obama is a one-worlder looking more to please UN members than citizens of the US> And the typical lib-dem platform is a weak military.

  6. I see your point, but that's acknowledgment, not support.  There's other evidence that Obama doesn't support the troops, but this isn't it.

  7. He will do the same as our president.  What we really need.  Should of kept hilery.


  8. Because he has never been one!

  9. The troops sure do support him

  10. he is a idiot.he also tried to stop funding for our troops.then says how he supports them

  11. oh yh better to send them off to Iraq where they can be bombed....i take it thats what you mean?

  12. He is for change. By not supporting our troops, it is the change he is talking about,

  13. I doubt if Obama has ever been in a fist fight while growing up

  14. He's a dirty Chicago style politician with an overinflated ego.

  15. This is one of his main selling points in his campaign. If he signs the bill then he would be praising the very thing that he attacks in his campaigns.

  16. Political pandering at its absolute WORST is all this is.

  17. How does not signing it not support our troops.  From your short description, this sounds like some "self-declarative, pat on the back" for members of Congress, who want to feel better about themselves.

    Lindsey Graham is a Republican, and Joe Lieberman is for all definitive purposes a Republican, too.  Of course they would sign onto something that says something President Bush did was right.

    And he has thanked American Soldiers for their service.

  18. The surge hasnt been a success...

    where have you been? Obama acknowledged that the troops did well in their part of the surge- which was to quel violence, but the State Dept. (rice) did absolutly nothing about their part to reach political reconciliation.

    therefore, anything that isnt fully accomplished isnt accomplished at all.

  19. Signing that bill says nothing about whether someone supports the troops or not and says everything about how reckless and delusional people can be. Obama is neither reckless or delusional. The Surge isn't a success until the Iraqis can govern themselves. And that will be proven (if it's true) after we why aren't we leaving ?

  20. The surge will work as long as we have the worlds best fighting force on every Baghdad street corner. As soon as they leave it will chaos again. When will the right-wingers come to grip with the fact that there is no military solution to the Iraqi debacle?

  21. Because unlike Lieberman he is a true Democrat

  22. Isn't it funny that when you question a republican, their war crimes and their bills to engage in war all of a sudden you are not supporting the troops and you hate America?? I guess the only way to support our troops is to allow the Repubicans to do what ever they want?

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