
Why will it be illlegal to brodcast in anolog in 2009.?

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  1. The reason broadcasters are being forced to switch to digital is because it offers benefits over analog, and if they aren't forced to switch then they won't do it on their own because of the cost.  As for the benefits, a digital broadcast takes much less bandwidth than analog.  You can broadcast a high definition digital channel, along with a couple extra standard definition digital channels in the same "space" it takes to broadcast one standard definition analog channel.  Multiple languages (audio and subtitles) and other features that weren't possible with analog are a possibility with digital.  The move will also free up some of the spectrum for other uses as well.

    advantages and disadvantages [wikipedia]:


    As a side note, cable and satellite subscribers will not be affected by the transition since the cable/satellite company receives the broadcast and retransmits it over their network.  If your TV is hooked up to cable or satellite then the transition will be handled by your provider and you'll be all set.  The only people that will be affected are those that receive their TV with an antenna.  They will either have to buy a new TV or a converter box to be able to receive the digital broadcasts.  You can get a coupon from the federal government that will make the converter box basically free.

  2. i don't think its illegal its just that everyboby is broadcasting in digital now

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