
Why will it take 5 years to get oil from new wells???

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Are the workers that slow...can't we just get busy and get it done faster??




  1. 'scuse me......has anyone paused from their hysteria long enough to do any research on "why"--since we've been drilling in the Gulf, there are tons of wells, that were capped as soon as they were drilled??....tons of oil..capped up,just sitting there.....  Do some digging(no pun intended) might be surprised to find we've got waaay more oil at our disposal than we're being why are we not using it??....Could it be....waiting for the prices to go up,up and away ??

  2. The platforms for drilling off the coast take a couple of years to build.  It is not like they have a bunch sitting in storage someplace.  The other problem that refineries take years to build.

    One company has been trying to build a new refinery in Arizona and it took 4 + years just to get all the permits from the government.  The refineries we do have here are not operating at capacity because most are old and have been retooling and updating to get more capacity.

    You know it is an election year and congress is spending all it's time fighting for political positions.  Little or nothing is going to get done unless everyone stops talking and starts writing letters and calling these people.  Do it now and do it often.  Tell them we need to use all our resources to get oil here and start kicking up the new energy sources.

  3. According to oil experts, we have only pumped out half the world's oil.  The problem is only the oil that is hard to get or in unstable countries is left.  Also the population of the world keeps climbing and climbing so we are using oil faster and faster at the same time that we are seeing harder times to get oil out.

    I saw oil workers on Dirty Jobs and they worked so fast it seemed dangerous.  I am guessing the time will be in setting up the drilling, getting everything out there, making sure it is physically and environmentally safe in a hard to reach area.

  4. That is the Left propaganda . Once we get the equipment there it can punch a well in 90 days. Now do U think the oil Co. will take 4 years to bring it to market. As soon as they see we are serious about oil the price will come down. The democrats will delay us as they can,as they want us to buy our oil from our Enemy...

  5. Environmental lawsuits and government regulation are what takes the most time. Watch truTV Blackgold to see how fast Americans can drill and pump the oil.

  6. it will only take 3 years. the problem is we don't have any refineries. the oil that is pumped from Alaska is going overseas, we don't keep any of it.

    Call you congressman and Senators and tell them to introduce legislation to regulate hedge fund investments in oil, when they do, gas will drop 2 bucks a gallon over night. There is no oil shortage, they do this every 20 years to make money.

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