
Why will michael phelps stop competing after the 2012 olympics?

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he's still young

he'll only be 27

why can't he go on till he's like in his 30s




  1. Because competitive swimming does great harm to your body, especially when you are under that amount of stress, and you will need to swim everyday to be prepared for the Olympics.

    Phelps has won enough medals, and I am sure at the age of 27, he wants a little break as well and give others a chance to compete in the Olympics.    

  2. If Chicago gets the bid for the 2016  Olympics, I hope he could just push through and end his career on a high note in the US in 2016, even if he only swims one race. He has said before that he would've loved it if New York got the 2012 bid, because he would've loved to end his career in his own country. But again, if Chicago get's the bid, I would hope (and I know how much training these athletes go through) that he could just train for one last Olympics.. for one last time. Even if he swims only one race in Chicago (IF it gets the bid)

  3. I heard this might his last. They were saying that on NBC. He wants to do something besides swimming.

  4. Nope...Agents tell athletes to announce to the Press that they are Retiring soon.  This allows a massive flood of High $ endorsements to come in.   I will bet Phelps will clear $35 Million by next year.

  5. No one has said anything about not competing after the London Games, he's taking it one step at a time.  I would imagine he would want to go out at the top of his game, which for swimmers is usually in their 20s. I mean look at Jason Lezac, he's the oldest swimmer on the men's US swim team at 32 or something, and he really only competed in three events, 2 of which were relays.  Of course, Phelps is godly from the physical aspect so it might be different, but he won't be able to perform in so many events.  He said he considers a year wasted if he doesn't get faster (i.e. continually break WRs), with that you have to wonder how long he can continue to improve his times and keep putting up gaudy records.  When that stops, his drive to compete might stop with it.

  6. He said he asked his coach to force him out if he is still swimming at 30. I think he'll get bored of it all and find something else. Training is grueling and tedious! I am sure he will be able to find something to do

  7. He said he will not compete at 30.

  8. Because he has already done his job. Winning 8 gold medals it is not for all.

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