
Why will the Dems feature as one of their keynote speakers a former President who was impeached and disbarred?

by Guest60062  |  earlier

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Is Bill Clinton someone to emulate? Should the Dems hold him out as a role model?




  1. d**n, where are my cigars!!!!LOL

  2. The Dems love perverts and dictators.  

  3. Bill made his mistakes.

    The conservatives (like you) will always be around to remind us of that.

    Overall he was a good President - far better than bush.

  4. As opposed to Bush, who is a war criminal and should - and will be - tried as one?


  5. Will cross dressing Giuliani be speaking at the RNC? It is very important the Clintons have their moment. Regardless of how you try to smear their integrity. Again it reminds me. One should clean their own house before pointing out the mess in another's.

  6. clinton was impeached over lying to a grand jury.having s*x is not against the law.clinton exhibited abuse of power over woman before he became president.his own state troopers testified to this.they will feature clinton because he is the best dems have to offer.

  7. He was impeached over s*x affair, something Republicans are very fond of - McCain, Guiliani,  Folley, Gingrich ...

    and he presided over the most successful 8 years in US  history - something to be proud about!  

  8. Following your logic I think George Bush should be the keynote speaker at the Repubilcan Nat'l Convention since hes never been impeached or disbarred.

  9. The democrat party has completey turned it's back on the Clintons.  I am shocked he would even consider it.

  10. Not to mention one who publicly stated he loathes the military.  Yes, he loathes the people who go to faraway lands, live in foxholes and get shot at and/or killed or maimed.  

    What a guy!

  11. the really funny thing is - everyone who reads this and remembers what it was like when clinton was president MISSES him.

    the bush years have lowered the bar so low that even clinton looks good right about now...

  12. Clinton is still a liberal hero, as is a murderer like Kennedy. Tells you something about their collective mindset and standards.

  13. Hey Cigar Missed ya!

    I see that you crawled out of your hole today!

    Hope you get Skinned on Y/A today

    Happy losin to ya!

  14. becuse they are stupid

  15. why did they feature a person involved in a tragic

    auto accident and cover up

    the Democrats have many closets filled with bad stuff

    the Media turns their back and focus on things like Watergate

    and the McCarthy Hearings

    But the reality is that the Media covers for all Democratic Candidates

    unless their outed like John Edwards who couldnt keep his magic sword in his pants

  16. Well, the morals acceptance level since Bush has been dropped pretty low, hasn't it? But you have to compare a ******** to Bush lying to get the US in a war that cost thousands of lives and bankrupted our country. Do you know how to compare things, or are you just a moron Republican?

  17. It not as if they have a great deal of American heroes to parade out there.  And he is better than the unconvicted murderer they trotted out last night.

  18. Becasue this is what democrats aspire to.  To be corrupt and powerfull is their goal.

  19. By the Liberal answers on here there are allot of uninformed people. Bush isn't running for president so he would not speak,Clinton was disbarred and impeached for purgery on the trial stand,nothing to do with s*x.

    Nothing that has been said about mcCain has anything to do with Clinton,etc.etc.

    Now to have Clinton talk anywhere is embarrassmentent to America.

  20. I thought they were forced to let Bill inside the building...there is no love for Bill or Hillary in the DNC, apparently...

  21. They overlook those things because he is such a likable Bubba with an understanding of the voting public.

  22. For the same reason that they think Russia's great, Putin's a hero, Iran is not dangerous, Israel shouldn't exist, etc.

    Bill is one of their heroes.

  23. Because the cons candidate is that much worse.  Let's face it, your guy crashed 5 planes got who  know how many people killed in doing so, got captured via sloppy piloting and then gave secrets to the enemy.  And this is what you call a war hero?  I mean really.  That's the best you could do?  

    Did I mention his "war crimes" confession?

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