
Why will the LHC destroy the world?

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Wouldnt that require FAR more power than the amount it currently uses, and the resulting black hole would be far to small to even swollow the atoms around it.

What other reasons are there for the LHC destroying Earth? And why do those who claim it will, seem to know more than the scientists who actually built the thing?

Again my question is basically, whats the reasons, and whats the proof?




  1. It won't. The only people who are making these claims don't have a clue what they're talking about. They know nothing, and betray it every time they open their mouths.

  2. The fact that they may use it to falsely say that it opened up a spacetime rip, "doorway", or "stargate" if you will for a fake 'ET' invasion to set up one world religion and one world government:

  3. It's more about the power of imagination and not electrical or atomic power. That's how certain people rule and others are the ruled sheep.

    Never underestimate the power of the imagination.

    People will believe in aliens with no proof yet scream that there is no God because there is no proof. Watch for patterns. It usually involves fear. Alien believers will say that there is no doomsday ever coming and they will live forever and nothing bad will ever happen to them because they are special for some reason. Still giving no proof either way. If there was proof of looming disaster they won't accept it, try to keep talking themselves out of it, and looking for others of the same worldview while all comforting each other with mere talk. God believers will say there is a doomsday coming because they have been foretold and they are no more special than anyone else. Imagination and the mind is everything.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they do try to use the LHC as a pretext for something.

  4. You're absolutely right.  There is no evidence (that I have seen) that the LHC will destroy the Earth, and the micro black holes will be lucky to be able to swallow an atom before they dissipate into radiation.

    People who make irrational claims about the capacity of the LHC to destroy the world are essentially in the same boat as creationists, Moon landing deniers, Holocaust deniers, anti-vaxxers, homeopathic medicine proponents, and astrologers.  They have two things in common:  (A) they are largely ignorant of the science involved, and (B) they feel smart when they think they know something the scientists "don't know".  Now I might not be smarter than any of the folks I mentioned, but I DO try to understand something before I make wild claims about whether or not it's going to blow up the Earth, and I would NEVER claim that my 15 minutes of web-surfing makes me more of an expert on something than the men and women who have dedicated their lives to studying it.

    Anyway, I'm sorry I couldn't shed any light on why those people believe that stuff.  I hope I helped anyway.  Good luck!

  5. People that come up with these bogus theories go by the following sources:

    1. Internet websites about the "cause".

    2. YouTube

    3. Spam emails

    Now, just out of curiosity, would you consider these credible sources?

    People forget all about science and go by their own flawed logic. I think most people automatically associate the term "black hole" with a big black hole in space with an infinite gravitational pull, no matter the mass. Did they miss physics class or something? Ever heard of *Newton*? The *universal gravitational constant*? The universal grav. constant is based on mass... 6.6726 x 10^-11 N per square unit of mass. So your telling me that a black hole with a couple hundred protons will suck up Earth? Come on.... I don't even have the patience to right that long of a decimal! My dog has more gravitational pull than these things... and the only thing he's sucking up is food.

    No proof, (remind you of any other absurd theory?) no evidence, zilch in terms of the logic behind this path of thought.

    I answered this one question where a person was asking "Will the LHC create a black hole that will destroy Earth?" So, of course, I said no and gave a detailed explanation behind it. I check back later to find that some guy said "YES IT WILL! BLACK HOLES SUCK EVERYTHING UP!" And under his sources, he listed "8th grade logic." To which I replied, "Instead of relying on flawed 8th grade logic, how about relying on 8th grade physics classes?" I mean, seriously, how ignorant and flat out *stupid* can you be?

    For this, I don't think we can pass the blame off on the history channel... just a bunch of misleading information.

    I've actually gotten emails from people saying "Ur stupid cuz black holes suk everything up." (actual quote from some guy) At first I thought he was kidding... I mean, who would write an email like that? So I responded asking him if he was serious or not, and apparently he was. I am some sort of devil because I am telling lies about gravity.... and I'm sorry, but who's been studying astrophysics? Obviously not him! I try explaining nicely to these people but this dang ignorance is overwhelming.

    To answer your question, yes, the LHC would have to be not only a lot more powerful, but also a lot larger. In order to create a black hole with even the mass of a mountain (which still isn't nearly enough to such anything in) we would probably have to have a particle accelerator larger than the solar system. Honestly, we would be lucky to get *any* black holes out of the LHC. If any, they will probably be so small that we can't even detect them.

    Also, has anyone ever heard of "Hawking radiation"? These people should at least research the LHC and a bit of simple physics before posting these questions.

    And as I've said, why would PhD holding physicists be running the thing? If anyone was going to be afraid or concerned, it would be them. These people have college degrees in particle physics, astrophysics, and multiple other fields based on their role in the project... scientists aren't stupid. We aren't living in a sci-fi/government conspiracy novel here!

  6. *laughing*


  7. No LHC will not kill us.

    Even if they succeed in creating tiny (microscopic Black Hole) they will (a) not suck in everything around us and (b) evaporate rapidly.

    Consider this: If the sun were replace by a black hole of the same mass, the gravitational pull on the earth would NOT change, we would continue to orbit. Granted the lack of light would present a few problems, but we would not be sucked in.

  8. There is no real proof, only (fairly reasonable) speculation.

    Apart from black holes (which should evaporate into Hawking radiation instantly) there might be some formation of "strange quarks"; if enough of such strange particles are formed, they might possibly form a "strangelet", which might be stable. Strange matter apparently has the property of changing normal matter into strange matter, so the problem would grow geometrically without anyone being able to stop it.

    But all this must be unlikely enough that the risk is negligeable, otherwise they would surely not do it... would they?

    edit: "Well it doesnt matter what size the black hole because they grow and will eventually swallow earth."

    No, below a certain mass limit black holes lose energy faster than they absorb it and eventually fall apart.

  9. Those who claim it could be delusional or could even be speaking the truth but that's the thing in this world, you never know whats true and what isnt. They feed you information from one side and twist it from the other.

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