
Why will the USA attack Iraq but won't attack Russia?

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Why is Bush allowing the Russians to enter the country of Georgia but the USA wouldn't allow Iraq to enter and stay in Kuwait?




  1. Israel.

  2. Iraq = Weak

    Russia = Has got nukes and man power

    Not to mention attacking Russia could cause WWIII.

    EDIT: Not to mention the U.S already got their Finger's up other countries noses.

  3. Georgie has no oil, therefore no use to the U.S

    according to the government.

  4. Because Russia actually HAS weapons of mass destruction.

  5. Russia has nukes and ICBMs and will fight back

  6. Simple equation=mutual destruction. Russia is a superpower like America. While our country has been engage in war adventures around the world and constantly beating our chest to the world that we are the only superpower, Russia has been strategically growing its military might to Soviet Era status and also its economy which is very powerful now. Our CIA and strategist knows that we cannot win a war with Russia without exhausting our country to the point that we will  be like Britain which is a shadow of its former self. Our wars in the Middle East which have greatly sunk us in dept with Chinese money have shown not only to the world but other powers that despite all the phsycological warfare, propaganda,, and talks about our power, we are not really all that powerful as our propaganda machine makes us out to be. And what's troubling is that these collection of military inferior middle eastern states don't even amount to that of Russia's current military might and we've already near stretched ourselves thin with them.

    So it's not that Bush is allowing Russia to enter Georgia, it's that Bush cannot and has no power to stop Russia or even China if China was to enter Taiwan.

  7. War on Russia, 30-40 minutes, extinction of human race.

    Btw, it looks like Saakashvili has been sold for russian neutrality during upcoming  invasion of Iran.

    According to the link attached, major allied fleet is approaching the Gulf.  

  8. because we would most likely lose

  9. Nukes. WWIII.

    Boogie Buns: Georgia has an extremely important pipeline. Look it up and stop being so partisan.

  10. There are no Russian troops in Georgia, only a couple hundred peacekeepers rescuing some people.

    I watch Russia Today and they said so.

  11. Maybe russia has more friends.

  12. russia will fight back

  13. The U.S. military is already busy.  So far the story was Georgia attacked Russian UN mandated peacekeepers in an area that is mostly Russians.  The Russians are there because of concern Georgia was carrying out genocide on the Russians.

  14. Iraq had no justification to go into Kuwait, russia does appear to have some.

  15. Russia did nothing wrong. They defended their ally South Ossetia. Keep your nose out of South Ossetia's business Georgia.

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