
Why will there never be world peace?

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If we all had a frontal labatomy, all estimated 6.6 billion of us, and none of us had an ego. then we would have world peace and know wars.

a frontal labotomy eliminates your ability to have any emotion of any kind.

World Peace.




  1. Overpopulation.  Money.  Greed.  Power.

  2. Humans are too selfish to share equally and too horny to restrict our breeding.

  3. Someday......! :D

  4. Emotions certainly make us more susceptible to violent behavior, but there are many species of animals that have not developed emotions in the course of their evolution yet still exhibit violent behavior.  This is due to the fact that violence is nature's way of maintaining a balance between supply and demand amidst a scarcity of resources.  Even without frontal lobes, no egos, etc., etc., our instincts would drive us to violence once we fail to produce more food, for example, than is necessary to feed the entire population.  So no, world peace is not possible until we find a solution to scarcity of resources.

    I recommend watching the film "Equilibirum".  It stars Christian Bale, and has a lot of the same themes as "1984", "A Brave New World" and "Fahrenheit 451", including the suppression of emotions in order to achieve a peaceful existence.  It is anything but peaceful.

  5. Because ridiculous clowns pose immmature questions with silly resolutions.

  6. No emotion, than how will we grow and evolve. Yes, peace is never going to happen, but when we do have a breather, its so much better. Peace is a good idea on paper, but corporations and military love conflict, and religion use's fear. Too many people live off drama.  But if we all had no emotion, we become nothing, nobodies. Untrue.

  7. money. greed. religion.

    Its a sad thought that the world will never become at peace, but thats life. sad. our culture. sad. our people, our wars, our heros. its all sad. What we call good these day, who we call good. its really screwed.

  8. World peace would mean humans would have to much extra time on their hands and then they would eventually turn agains animals.....maybe we are on our way to world peace.

  9. its human nature to fight, have an ego, and want to dominate.

    there always will be those who think life is a race the top nd they'll kill and decieve other to do it , become the wealthiest person, and have the most control  

  10. World peace would be ultimately wonderful.... The governments of the world would never allow it though....because war is good for the economy ~ If there is a financial recession/followed closely by a depression...war will follow soon after, as a war creates new jobs & decreases the population. It kick starts the economy again.

  11. Well I sat down and though long and hard about it.

    I came up with 4 reasons.

    Reason 1 : People.

    because they insist on competing

    Reason 2: People

    Becuase some of them are crazy buggers that like ot cause other people problems.

    Reason 3: is also People

    Because they want for stuff - often stuff they dont need or even want after 5 mins.

    Reason 4: hey theres a pattern here .. you guessed it, its People!

    Because other people then look at the mess of conflict caused by  people and wonder why theres no peace - meaning they arent at peace cos they are concerned with a lack of it.

    So After I realised that - I lauched a 400 Mega Ton nuke - that should fix it. Mmm they're shooting some back .... d**n those people!

    Edit ... I thought of a diffrent way ...

    There could be a world piece .. well lots of them more like world pieces. Even then I think people would squabble over them. But at least there would be some thing that sound like world piece and one over there too! and here! .....

  12. Yes there will be world peace but it isn't going to happen overnight.

    Before we find ourselves in that state we will see a lot worse than what we do now, it is going to get even more darker before it gets better.

    But there will be a point where we as the human race will come to Armageddon and cross the line of no return. God will step in then and put things right, but not until then. When we have proved without a shadow of a doubt that we cannot do it ourselves the return of the Christ will bring peace to us all.

    But not until then.

  13. There will be world peace. Never say never.

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