
Why will these two names live for me forever? Today it was Eight Belleses and..?

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when I was a kid it was Ruffian. When will we ever learn that the female species is really the strongest? These two horses were far greater than any male horse I can think of.

I once had a retireded racing qurater horse (fastest a quarter mile) and I can assure you the girls are @#$%^&* tougher! She was (one of the love of my life) and no shrinking violet...anyway

and if you have an ounce or more of compassion please anser my previous question because currently there is no good answers.;_ylt=An3dmJlyHz1kVjwwBAXVGVzsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080503163342AA3QL75

And when will we stop using animals as toys instead of living being????

My heart to you Eight Belles




  1. I remember Ruffian too. We as a species are designed to use, use, use. We think it is our right. Until there is no more money in it, or we finish destroying this planet, there will be animal abuse. Shout it out, make yourself heard, maybe if we all yell loud enough, we can save a few horses from the big business that is horse racing. Let's see what we can do.

    I also know what you mean about mares, they are the real herd bosses! You go girls!

  2. People say that racehorse owners don;t care about there horses, well they do. If they didn't would the spend millions of dollars tring to save there life. Have people who say that see the looks of sarrow on the owner's face when there horse gets injured?

  3. You should know horse racing has NOTHING to do with loving horses. The owners don't even care about the horse, just the money that comes with it. Its big money, and a big risk.

  4. First off, Eight Bells had nothing on Ruffian.  Next, racehorses are not toys, they're athletes.  Those horses are bred to do one thing, and depriving them from their one passion (racing) is more lethal than running.  If you really know about Ruffian, you'd remember that when she was young they turned her out in a padock and she almost killed herself trying to run with the other horses.  She loved to run, but the only safe way for her to run was to be under saddle on a soft, plush track.  Racing really is the best thing for horses like that.  The only real problem I have with racing is the age at which they start riding horses (joints and legs aren't fully developed) but not all trainers start horses that young, so please don't bash racing as a whole.  But yes, Eight Bells was an amazing horse.

  5. We will never stop using animals as toys...because it brings us money.  We use up everything, even other people, to make money.  So...until we're wiped off the face of the earth, our species will continue to destroy.

    It's sad, but true.

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