
Why with all the scientific information, do scientist's still cling to the big bang theory, and evolution?

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ignorance? creationism is not a fairy tale it is reality, its time to get with the program.




  1. Scientifically prove Creationism?  How wonderful!  

    Then your religion is actually a science, and conforms to the principles and methods of science.  (Whereas religion requires no proof, only faith.)

    Then you (as a scientist or lay person) are willing to be proven wrong?  Because while nobody - including scientists - likes to be proven wrong, it comes with the territory?  

    And you have "scientific information" that can be tested and evaluated by other scientists?

    Do tell.

  2. Oh, but isn't that always the point with you fundy freaks. Fear of death. Survive death indeed.

    Q:What's the cure for death? A: God.

  3. Why do you call scientific evidence "a fairy tale"?   That's silly.  You should try learning about science, the scientific method and how we learn new information about out universe.

  4. Why do religious zealots cling to fictitious "truths"?

    Whatever your religion is, I don't think that they really need you. Its not as if you're fighting the cause with any type of intelligence or insight.

  5. Science is mostly based on theory.  Some people just can't believe that our universe was spoken into existence, to some its more logical that it just appeared out of nowhere on its own.  Personally I think the story of creation is much more logical, makes more sense.  The big bang theory, is just that, a theory.

  6. If you want to believe in creationism, that's your deal.  But if you want to argue about evolution, you really, really need to learn how science works.  Otherwise, you sound kinda ignorant, in the sense of "knows not what they talk about".

  7. Do you have anything to back up these idiotic claims?

    No I didn't think so.

  8. Uhh...because the scientific information backs up the big bang theory and evolution. Everything else is pseudoscience at best.

    "Get with the program"? Look who's talking. Before you dismiss the theory of evolution, why not actually learn what it is? Who knows? You might learn something.

  9. People are intitled to believe whatever they feel comfortable believing.  It is called a different point of view and not called ignorance.

      If you don't like it then too bad, because it will always be this way no matter what you think.  you might as well accept that your beliefs are no better than anyone elses.

  10. That is why, delusional one, scientific information supported by evidence.

    Do any of you nutcases have the evidence to back your barking mad delusion?

    I thought not.

  11. Why would you judge another's beliefs, and then claim that science backs up your side over another.  It's not so simple at all.  What you believe to be a reality is to another something of a flight of fancy.

    I personally don't believe in creationism, but I don't expect more people to believe things such as myself.

    If you want to break it all down logically, nothing even makes sense, except that which we put in ourself.  My beliefs are no more right nor wrong than yours, yet I disagree with yours.

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