
Why women's always create problems?

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Why women's always create problems?




  1. I assume from your questions that you are a men's. Since you are offering us a big fat generalization, the answer for you is that in many cases, women's don't. It is men's that often create problems, if their cultures have trained them to think that they should always get their own way, that their commands should be unquestioningly obeyed, that their happiness and what they want to do are more important than those of the women they are connected with, just because they are men, and that they are somehow superior just because they are men.

    On the other hand, if you do not come from that kind of culture and consider yourself a kind and reasonable person, you could benefit by reading some books about male/female differences and learning what is the best way to overcome the problems and misunderstandings that they can cause. Ask at the information desk at your local library. You'll find some eye-openers.

  2. Because they realize that they are dealing with men that are not intelligent and they want to have a good laugh about it.

  3. why men's can't write?

  4. Absolutes are the result of ignorance....and poor grammar.

  5. because women gave birth males who shows disrespect to them, made womens position lower, disagree to give them equal position or equal rights like political, economic or religious, she gave birth those male who rapes female ,who can marry lots of wives, wives r the instrument child birth, they cannot raise their voice against the injustice of males because religion doesnot allow , religion headed by males. thoughGod, Allah or Bhagwan has produced equality between male or female. Yes you are right women always create problems as they gave birth MEN.

  6. Its the PMS thing.

  7. Only the feminist(communist) create problems. You should have been here the other day when they tried to accuse me and my cousin of being the same person. LOL They accused me of being a troll and tried to exploit the both of us. They can't solve problems, therefore they create them. The feminist (communist) that is.

  8. I'm sorry it seems that way to you, I'm sure it's not usually intentional.

  9. Please, would you be so kind to explain how every woman in the world (or that you know of) create problems? And exactly what problems do they (we) create?

  10. learn how to write then come back ok?

  11. Both genders can create problems. Let's not generalize. That's not too smart.

  12. I was totally going to say exactly what Tracey said.  Lol!!

  13. Just to p**s you off.

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