
Why women these days want to dominate men ?

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"Blue B" revenge from what ? and what ?




  1. Gee, I don't know, maybe it's because men have oppressed and dominated women since the beginning of time.  Stupid assmaster.

  2. Because women recognize that men are really weak and need a strong firm strict woman to give them real back-bone...Women have more confidance and they are more responsible than men...women become adults men are really always little boys who left to our own devices will engage in misbehavior and all sorts of mistchief.

  3. because men always think they are better and all that n a bag of chips. all we want is to be eqaul so to prove it we have to aim above being equal and dominate all of the men to the ground :) lol

  4. Society in many ways encourages them to do so.   Traditional attitudes that condemn men for domineering behavior don't apply yet to women who face very little societal criticism for using office politics or the legal system to cheat their way into money or position.  Men do the same thing but are roundly criticized and even legally prosecuted when it is brought to light,  while women are often, especially by other women, considered to be some sort of modern goddesses for copying what a few powerful men have always done...and don't face the same sort of legal sanctions in general when it's brought to light.

  5. Do you mean in general or in the BDSM sense?  I think that if you are speaking in generalities then it is unlikely that "women" want to dominate "men".  People have all types of personality traits regardless of their gender.

    If you mean in the BDSM sense, each their own!  Live and let live as long as it is consensual for both parties it really isn't anyone elses' business.

    John Becker...come see me but be careful what you wish for!

  6. who says they want to dominate u???  most women jus want guys to leave them alone...

  7. What women?  What men?

  8. Some men love to be dominated and beg for it, like my contact Timetraveller.

    ETA: See, I told you. His answer is two below mine.

  9. Domination is one way of controlling people.

    Dannuele, why did you change your avatar?  My wife thinks the one with your neice was sweet.

  10. not all women do, I for one just want to be treated as an equal.

  11. Good question. I myself have never wanted to dominate anyone. That's like saying I don't want to give respect but I want to get it.

  12. Please find me a woman who wants to dominate a male.

    I like overprotective women. xD

  13. I don't know.  do they?  I have absolutely no desire to dominate a man, quite the reverse.

  14. This is an interesting topic. I was once thought of as a controller. It is funny though, I never considered myself like that. My boy-friend was very passive back in our early years. Someone had to get some things started. Naturally that was me. I was very shy, but, I realized I had to be the one to move on in the relationship. He wouldn't at first. Maybe as a result of that, I became controlling? I don't really know. He says I was. I had to be the one to show him what I wanted in a relationship and from him. All of this I learned from reading. Strange. Anyway, I thought a man would become threatened by a dominating woman. What do you think? I don't think this is always the case. I have seen and read of stories where the man was the dominating one in the relationship. Sometimes, I think as time goes by one of the partners changes and move on individually and the other doesn't. I have stories where this happens. This is not ficition.

  15. I just want to be treated like a person and respected as a person and I am happy to treat and respect the men in my life the same way.

    Equal does not mean the same...I am a woman, I want to be equal to a man, but as a woman, not the same as a man.

    I readily admit to not being a dominate type of person...but that is it, I want to be ME and still have equal rights to all and I want the same for you.

  16. Revenge.

  17. Why does anyone feel a need to dominate anyone else?  Man or woman, a person with these needs (other than consensual sexual relationships) have esteem issues of their own.

  18. Would like you to be more specific, give examples of your belief before answering.  From a personal perspective, no dominance in my heart for anyone.  Live and let live/die/or whatever is my motto.

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