
Why won't 360 owners just admit that the PS3 is a better all round console?

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And yes I owned a 360 from the day it was released and have had over 40 games for it and have since got a PS3...I just think everything about it is smarter, smoother, quicker, not as dated and just feels and looks amazing. I mean there are so many options and different things to do, I can turn it on, mail some friends, go on youtube for a bit, browse the web, download some games, watch a blu ray and upload videos and havn't even started playing a game and 3 hours have gone, plus all the other cool features. I'm just bored of this whole 360/PS3 bitching....I love games consoles, always have, but i'm afraid the PS3 is just...well better




  1. Sony really got arrogant with the PS3 and blew it big time. Thats why.

    PS3 has greater graphic capabilities when maxed out, but its graphics processors are separate, and cant work on the same thing. 360s has a few less graphics processors, however they are unified.

    So... basically, what this boils down to is, PS3 has higher graphic processors assuming a game takes advantage of it. However, when building to the lowest common denominator (common practice for multi-console release), any of the 360's processor's which arnt be utilized can assist the others. The PS3's cant, idle processors just sit idle. So, a game built for the lowest common denominator (as many games are) should look equivalent, if not better, on the 360.

    PS2 was a great machine, and was the lowest common denominator of last gen. GC and xbox power wasn't really utilized most the time. Sony seemed to see microsoft's business model and said 'hey, lets take that up a notch' and magnified every mistake. Ps3 is the hardest to utilize, the most expensive to dev for, and the most expensive to own. Either sony got lucky last gen, or they forgot everything that worked.

    I laughed and laughed when the 360 came out. Then, when the PS3 came out, I was simply appalled. Not only did they not learn from the ps2, they didnt learn their mistakes in the psp either. PS3 could be wiping the floor with 360, but they're idiots. Now I own a 360 and a Wii, with no intention of getting a PS3, especially with their newer non-backwards compatible models. Majority of sony's good games are ps2.

    The only ps3 exclusive that impressed me is no longer exclusive; ffxiii.

    Alot comes down to price. Nintendo figured this out. Microsoft got lucky by Sony's current spell of idiocy. That basically sums up the console sells in America.

    Currently, Im not seeing many rpgs on any of the new machines (although 360 has a few REALLY nice ones), a little disappointing; 360 is king of action, ps2 is king of rpgs, wii and ds of funky new games, and ps3 of... blu-ray? Idk. Sony disappoints ><

    In summary:

    360 all the way.

  2. yea i agree with the first person...we all knwo ps3 is better but dont start a war, go back downstairs and play some moe COD *****

  3. OK i usually don't participate in these flame wars but one answerer just really pissed me off and got on my nerves hence ."And i wont accidentlly leave it on cos it sounds like a plane taking off, so it save's electricity."

    ok that's the dumbest reason i have ever read in a while plus you just mentioned one of the 360's Cons so stop it you're embarrassing yourself.

    And did someone just say that that MGS4 sucks? Alright i bet that you didn't even play the game you also wrote "i dont wonna play with an old man running around buildings" First off that old man is Solid Snake an iconic character in the video gaming world, the first time you find a game that's not  a FPS you start dissing it? get over yourself and get a life.

  4. Why don't you ps3 fanboys just admit that the wii is way better than the ps3. yes the ps3 is smoother but you have to update every single time and sometimes it breaks in the wii you could also go to the web browse  and the wii has motion sensing something Sony try to copy by putting it on the last minute!and the sixaxis is c**p who care its just plain stupid.the wii gets the most games and it has a way better gameplay.and MGS4 has good graphics but just stupid you play as an old man sneaking around bulidings!

  5. I have both also and their just useful in their own different ways.  It's just a matter of what you prefer.

  6. i like how one of the different things you can do on a ps3 is "i can turn it on".  HAha what is that suppose to mean.    

    Anyways to answer your question, Its cause the 360 came out first and people are just trying to justify their purchase.  

    In the end who cares.  If you have the money get all 3 systems, If you dont get the one you want and be happy.  There great games for both systems , its just personal taste.  At this point the way I see it its like trying to decide whats better coke or pepsi.  Who cares besides a bunch of fanboys.

  7. 360 fans are usually ignorant and never played ps3 and say it has more games better graphics blah blah blah the answer is most 360 fans are just ignorant trash talking f**s but the truth is ps3s live is almost as good as 360s and u dont have to pay the truth is ps3 has better graphics and better game selection the only thing the 360 has is halo gears and cheaper out right but think about this u will pay more for a 360 because of live so hmm

  8. The 360 is better you can actually use a webcam with the 360, it has more and better games(Halo, Gears of war) Achievements, and way more features.  

  9. ps3 is better

    you can webcam with the ps3 too ****** *** mutha f.

  10. Both are great consoles but PS3 is better. I pretty much as all things Xbox 360 can do, if not better, except for in-game music(which Sony is working on). The value of a PS3 is way better(free online, wi-fi, blu-ray and blu-ray player etc.) 360 is cheaper but you have to buy stuff like adapters and online.

    Maybe they're driven to get one because everyone else has one. It came out before PS3 after all...or maybe because they think it has better games, which is not true. PS3 has plenty of full games.

    Just plain fanboy lies, I tell you...

    Based on facts, PS3 is better and its my reward for waiting on Sony :]

  11. Who cares,

    You are tired of '360/PS3 bitching"?

    Well you are being a hypocrite!

    I got PS3, I got Xbox 360, they are both Good,

    Sony could do so much with the PS3 but they are idiots,

    360 Microsoft is smart, they got $(which means more Games Like FF13 and more exclusive content)

    Both Consoles got ups and downs, i like both tho,

  12. look here!!! 360 is the best!!!!!

  13. i defintetlny agree with Kiks S your obviously trying to start some kind of online nuclear  war or somthing i actually think that N64 is better than both of them put together and im not even starting a war.

  14. They are both great consoles, I prefer the PS3 but both are great as long as you can play games on them.

  15. You know that spongebob episode, where squidward says that crabby patties are disgusting, when he really had never had one? Well, consider the PS3 the crabby patty.

    Haha...who knew spongebob could teach life lessons?  

  16. Yeah it annoysme too.

    The thing isthe kind of person who is too impatient to wait for the PS3 and would just get a 360 is exactly the same kind of person who cannot admit they are wrong.

    Hence all the rabid fanboyism.

  17. I agree with the majority of posts here, these type of question are used for baiting - I have fallen victim of them myself. That being said, I have one comment for Will - you listed nothing different then what the PS3 does - Webcam - PS3 has it, we can actually use the official XBOX one in fact - pretty ironic huh. With regards to games - MGS4 blows away both Gears, and Halo, we have a Trophy system - basically achievements, as for more features - I challenge you to name at least 2. Trust me, the list of features on the PS3 are extensive. I would research your comments before you make a a$$ out of yourself.

    Edit - Sorry, one more Wooja - WTF? N64? Are you serious?

    Edit - See? Being drawn in again. My bet is RMC does not have a PS3, another one of these fanboys being jealous. Lets face it, anyone who has a PS3, and has actually played MGS4 would know:

    a) It is a d**n fine Exlusive

    b) If anything, it was not hyped enough. I would have paid $499 for the game, forget about the PS3. (perhaps slightly exaggerated) ^_^

  18. dude hes rite ur g*y!

    both consoles are really good

    both have there differences

    you can say one is better then the other in some cases

    the PS3 is great for fun games, fast acting console and a larger life span

    the 360 is for online, games, and a good preformance

    dude MGS4 is not better then halo 3, well maybe

  19. Yeah but the 360 has Halo3 n Gears of war n.....probs some other games, but thats all us 360 owners cna talk about.

    It has better graphics, I cant back that up, jsut belive me.

    It has better looks, cos the creme white effect goes smashing with all the gloss piano black HDTV's out their.

    And it has a HD-DVD drive, who needs Blu-ray, heck it even goes well with my Betamax player.

    And i wont accidentlly leave it on cos it sounds like a plane taking off, so it save's electricity.

    the Online is way better cos you have to pay £40 a year, so it must be better, MS wouldnt jsut charge us for the sake of it, Right? Its not like they can run Live for free on PC ewither... oh wait.

    And you can use a Live webcam n headset, unlike tje Ps3 which doesnt have Ps Eye or ability to use any bluetoth headset or USB keyboard.

    It's cheaper too cos Ms removed stuff like built-in Wi-Fi, HD movie player, free online access, so they could make it cheaper for thier customer,s SOny s***w you guys over for charigng you £50 extra to include the £300 Blu-ray player only "70%" of you use, even though thats the medium your games come on which i suppose must mean you dont paly gmaes on it either. and the 50GB size of BNlu- Ray means youu dont get to know the joys of disc swapping on FFXIII, when it is eventually ported, compressed, and S-E learn how to make 6 core game run on 3 cores.

    And the best thing is MS include groovy green to red  colour chaning lights, Ps3 doesnt have any of that.

    Jsut admit it Ps3 sucks, it doesnt have Gears of War 2 as an exclusive, just that Game of E3 thing,errm Littlebigplanet, or whatever, at least Gears got runner up in that. n several other awards that Ps3 exclusives took home...

    n it has that stupid Home, how g*y is that, we get Mii's, I mean Avatars, at christmas, and we get Netflix, you just have that PS Video Store thing.

    And at least developers are currnelty running games as good as theyll get on a 360, developers are only using 30% of a Ps3 power, see thats how weak it is, 360 cna use 100% of its power to render out a game so it doesnt need room to improvve n get better, where as PS3 games will probs have to take a while to reach upto 100%.

    p.s this is sarcastic.

  20. I don't want to fuel this war, but I just got a message from 360 fanboy. He wrote me that PS3 is weaker. But, listen to this, I don't know where he had found it, but the article that was proving that tech nonsense was written BEFORE PS3's release. Also he told me that Cell is weaker than Xenon. Kids...

    As for console itself - 360 has a bit stronger GPU, but PS3 compensates it by possibilty to use a part of CPU's power for graphic calculations. Also PS3 uses 4D technology (ProFX).

    I would get 360 too, but it's unreliabilty really scares me. I'm not rich, I work hard for my money, so I can't put to waste any of it. If M$ will fix those dreadful hardware issues (Falcon chipsets are bad too) and I'll see some SOLID proof on it - I'll buy it.

    As for old consoles - Sega Mega Drive (Genesis in US) was really good at it's time.

  21. yea ps3 is cooler :)

  22. i luv the xbox360, for 1 reason, and 1 reason only!

    its hacked. Yes microsoft has done a superb job in giving every1 red rings.

    well done to them. they deserve a standing ovation.

    its very load and overheats. its the most ugliest console iv ever seen.

    sony is years ahead of micro$oft. I dont like the top games much for the 360, but then again, i dont pay for them. my middle finger solutes bill gates.

    i am a "proud" owner of an xbox360! but given the chance to afford a ps3, my 360 would be thrown through my window!

  23. this sounds dorky,but PS3 fans Unite.though the xbox 360 has the best online play.they r both vey good.

  24. shut up 360 is better all round


    more games

    online isnt mucked up like ps3

    more populer

    bigger memory

    look much nicer

    and the games are much better


    blue ray

    free gaming but is c**p and all messed up

    360 WINS

  25. don't start a war.

  26. You are g*y

    Both consoles are great!, stop trying to start a war, i hate people like you!

    Both consoles are different  

  27. thats your opinion though. i got both consoles. and its up to personal preferance.

    atleast 70% of people with ps3 never brought a blu-ray movie

    and how the h**l is the ps3 is smarter? its not a robot, its a game console.

    but ps3 still doesnt have a good exclusive quality game.

    and metal gear solid 4 is over-rated!  

  28. Why can't this "console war" ever end? I'm just tired of so many immature people fighting over which console is best and giving false info about consoles and saying "this sucks, this is better". All consoles are great, so why must we fight over consoles? It's just retarded...

    Kiks S, you're right, thumbs up for you.

  29. Although I like the PS3 better, I think ALL 3 consoles are great, it's just your opinion.

    Everyone has their own opinion, not everyone has to like one console.

    The only thing I hate is when people lie about another console or use biased answers to bash it

    Jan S: Wow, great job on using the same copy and paste answer to support the Xbox 360 over and over again. You seem to forget that the PS3 has MGS4, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Warhawk, Motorstorm, Resistance, so on and so forth.

    Now while you say FF13 is the only one that interested you, you didn't say anything about those other games I just listed and still use the typical "no good games" excuse.

    Yes, it is your opinion, but to say that they all suck ( the games) when you've most likely never played them is not only biased and unfair, but on the edge of ignorance and stupidity.


    Communist, face it, unless you've actually played the whole game, then you don't know anything about it.

    Stupid old man huh? I've seen your comments on MGS4, and all you can say is that you play as a stupid old man, you don't even comment on the gameplay in-depth, the online mode, or anything of that sort.

    Well even if Snake is old, he's the most bad@ss old guy I've ever seen.

    MGS4 got a 5/5 from X-play ( which you watch) and many other websites, last time I checked, 5/5 is the best score a game can get.

    Plus MGS4 isn't the only game the PS3 has;

    "PS3 only has FPS"

    -Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    -Ratchet and Clank




    And those are all some great games

    And unless you can ACTUALLY say something other than "You're g*y", then just shut up, play your Wii, I'll play my PS3, and we can have peace :)

    And like Ibrahim said, Snake is one of the most well known characters in the gaming world. Oh yea, the reason I typed "not an FPS" was cuz Communist said PS3 only has FPS games dude

    Dean B was being sarcastic

  30. I agree with you I have had all 3 consoles none of them compare with the PS3

    Home hasnt even been released yet.


    Whats so great about a console that gets the RROD 2

    months after the warrenty goes out.

    The N64 was a really great console.

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